Sun addicts claim that UV rays are not harmful
After 17 years of tanning without health problems, a sunbed addict who claims that UV rays have proven to be non-harmful said his “dark” skin boosts his sexual life.
British personal trainer Mike Smith, 36, spends £ 245 ($ 450) a month to visit Solarium and drinks melatonin jabs on a regular basis.
Sunbeds work by emitting ultraviolet light (UV), which medical professionals warn of significantly increasing the risk of developing skin cancer.
According to the Cancer Council of Australia, sunbeds cause melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), basal cell carcinoma (BCC), eye melanoma, eye damage, and premature skin aging.
However, Mike disagrees with medical advice because he loves “dark” skin and even claims that the bronze glow boosts his love life and even helps put more than 100 women to sleep. I keep doing it.
Relation: The best fake tan there
“I can’t live on thin skin. It’s not attractive. I feel sick,” he said. Sun..
“But I love getting dark. Women love it-I always get my tan and compliments on my body.”
Born in the seaside town of Brighton, 85km south of London, Mike began tanning at the age of 19 and had two sessions at various salons, 36 minutes a day, 20 minutes and 16 minutes under the lights.
But Jim enthusiasts, who share topless selfies on his Instagram account to show off his extreme tan, said he “doesn’t judge pale people.”
Relation: A model that “changed” the claims of strange babies of race
“Smoking cigarettes can cause cancer, but I’ve met many people who smoked without problems for the rest of their lives,” he said.
“Most British people eat bacon every morning. This can cause heart disease, but no one says it should be illegal.”
He added that he must maintain it now while he is “satisfied with my color”, £ 160 a month ($ 295) for self-injected melatonin jab and 85 for unlimited sunbed access at the salon I spent a pound ($ 155).
by World Health Organization (WHO), Sunbeds are as dangerous as smoking.
“Like the sun, they emit harmful UV rays that damage the DNA of skin cells. This can lead to malignant melanoma over time. This is the most common form of skin cancer. It’s a deadly form, “reads the WHO website.
In Australia, solariums have been banned since 2015, but private ownership of sunbeds is not banned.
Spawned movement Tan black market Solarium owners were illegally operating in private rooms and backyards because the deadly tanning beds were banned from commercial use.
In the UK, solarium operations are still permitted, but criticism is high. Last year, Tory lawmaker Pauline Latham named the sunbed a “murder machine.”
Melatonin injections are illegal in both the UK and Australia. Known as “Barbie Drug” It is illegally imported and sold on sites such as Gumtree.
The drug promises a deep, long-lasting sunburn all year round, but it can accelerate cancer and cause harmful side effects, including nausea, vomiting, bloating, flatulence and back, and liver and kidney pain.
According to VicHealth, Melanotan II, which costs about $ 60 per bottle, resembles a substance in our body that increases the production of pigments that darken the skin.
Potential moles and lesions on the body are at increased risk of turning into skin cancer and melanoma.
Continue the conversation @RebekahScanlan | [email protected]
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