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COVID-19 and Flu Season: How Older People Stay Healthy

COVID-19 and Flu Season: How Older People Stay Healthy
COVID-19 and Flu Season: How Older People Stay Healthy


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Predict Both the new coronavirus and the flu virus could spread significantly this fall and winter, overwhelming healthcare facilities. Elderly people are already at high risk of serious health problems from COVID-19, and this year’s flu season will exacerbate the concerns of older people and their caregivers.

However, keeping these four simple tips in mind will make you and your loved ones more likely to stay healthy, and keep your friends and neighbors safe.

  1. Get a flu shot. According to the CDCVaccination against the flu reduces the risk of serious illness, even if you pick up one of the many strains of flu that can spread this fall and winter. Between 2018 and 2019, the CDC received an estimated 4.4 million flu illnesses, 2.3 million flu-related medical visits, 58,000 flu-related hospitalizations, and 3,500 flu-related hospitals due to influenza vaccination. It reports that death was prevented. Although difficult to assess at the individual level, this has significantly reduced the burden on the entire medical community and has benefited overall public health. Influenza vaccines have been shown to reduce the risk of influenza infection, hospitalization, and death for both you and those around you. This year, we will save hospital resources for COVID-19 patients. If you are caring for an aging loved one, it is especially important that both of you get one. As we know, heart disease is widespread and is the leading cause of death in the United States. A 2013 meta-analysis study found that influenza vaccination improved heart outcomes in high-risk patients.
  2. .. .. .. We will also continue to take COVID-19 precautions. I will be vaccinated against influenza Absent Protect someone from COVID-19. But many of the same COVID-19 precautions we’ve all been accustomed to over the last nine months (washing hands, staying at least 6 feet away from people outside the house, wearing masks in public places, seeing No) nose, or mouth) is also quite good at preventing the spread of the flu virus. Make sure that both you and the person you care for follow all these precautions. We hope that COVID-19 precautions will ease the flu season, but vaccination against the flu vaccine can be devastating as the consequences of coping with both infections at the same time. I strongly recommend it.
  3. Time the flu shot appropriately. recently interviewDr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and responsible for the U.S. efforts to stop the coronavirus, will be vaccinated against influenza “in mid-October and late October” this year. Recommended. .. Thus, it does not wear in February or early March while we are still in the flu season.
  4. .. .. .. And we encourage everyone in your life to be vaccinated against the flu, regardless of age. Older people are not the only ones at risk during the flu season. Infants and toddlers are also particularly vulnerable. In fact, patients of all ages can suffer from the serious complications of the flu and can even die.Influenza vaccination protects Pregnant womanIs an important preventive tool for those who have Chronic health Can save lives such as heart disease and diabetes Children.. Children are also at risk of serious illness and can spread the illness to others. The CDC recommends that all people over the age of 6 months be vaccinated.

Despite all these benefits, only about half of Americans get the flu vaccine each year. Meanwhile, the influenza virus continues to cause millions of illnesses, hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations, and tens of thousands of deaths. If not careful, hospitals can be overwhelmed by both COVID-19 and flu patients this fall and winter.

But according to the CDC, the solution is simple. “The more people are vaccinated, the more people may be protected from the flu.” The more people who are vaccinated against the flu, the fewer people will get seriously ill. This means that we can all work together to welcome the coronavirus pandemic and the New Year.

Jyotu Sandhu, MD, is a physician in family medicine and sports medicine at the Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group. SharpRees-StealyMedicalGroup is a 19 specialized medical group that provides services such as primary and specialty care, laboratories, physiotherapy, radiation, pharmacies and emergency care. For more information

Simona Valanciute is President and CEO of San Diego Oasis, an award-winning non-profit organization serving people over the age of 50 who pursues healthy aging through lifelong learning, an active lifestyle and community services. For more information

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