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“World’s First” Parkinson’s Disease Treatment in Clinical Trials in Toronto-Nationwide

“World’s First” Parkinson’s Disease Treatment in Clinical Trials in Toronto-Nationwide
“World’s First” Parkinson’s Disease Treatment in Clinical Trials in Toronto-Nationwide


Researchers in Toronto are in the early stages of developing a treatment called the “world’s first” treatment. Parkinson’s disease.

According to Dr. Nir Lipsman, the ultimate goal of the new treatment, which is currently in the first stages of clinical trials, is to treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, prevent further decline in patients, and people need to take for the disease. Is to reduce the amount of some medicine. , Co-Principal Investigator and Neurosurgeon for Research at Sunnybrook Health Science Center.

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“That’s the ultimate goal. It’s about changing not only the patient’s daily activities, but also the course of the illness,” he said. “We are still in the early stages, but this is an important first step.”

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Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder in which the patient experiences tremor, muscle stiffness, and is particularly unbalanced among other symptoms.

According to Parkinson Canada, more than 100,000 people have been diagnosed in Canada and there is no cure.

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Researchers in Toronto, based in Sunnybrook and the University Health Network, use focused ultrasound technology to provide direct treatment to areas of the brain affected by Parkinson’s disease.

This is done by non-invasively opening the passage of the blood-brain barrier. This is a physical disorder of the body that prevents compounds, including potentially useful treatments, from accessing the brain.

“What you can do with ultrasonography is to create a kind of temporary window in the blood-brain barrier and deliver treatments that are normally inaccessible to the brain,” he added.

“What we can do now is to open the blood-brain barrier completely non-invasively with the patient with an MRI scanner, so the patient does not have to make an incision in the skin or a hole in the skull.”

Researchers are investigating whether delivering an enzyme called Glucocerebrosidas to the brain helps prevent the accumulation of a protein associated with α-synuclein called Parkinson’s disease.

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Larry Gifford about life with Parkinson’s disease

Larry Gifford about life with Parkinson’s disease

The goal of this stage of the trial is to give 6 people 3 rounds of treatment and follow up for at least 6 months. Three patients have already signed up.

Pat Wilson, 56, from Cookstown, Ontario, was the first person to participate in this study. She hadn’t seen any improvement so far, but she had to adjust her medication because of changes in the way her body responded to it.

Wilson was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2013, and her father also had the disease. She wanted to attend the trial to help others.

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“Perhaps it’s important because we need better and longer lasting treatments. Something to help future people who might get it.”

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Over time, as Toronto researchers gain experience and conduct additional trials, Lipsman hopes to be able to demonstrate that they are moving the dial in terms of preventing the development of neurodegeneration. Said.

“If we can do that, we can prevent disabilities, improve quality of life and extend lifespan,” he said.

© 2020 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


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