Thousands of chickens slaughtered after a bird flu outbreak on a farm in northern England
![Thousands of chickens slaughtered after a bird flu outbreak on a farm in northern England Thousands of chickens slaughtered after a bird flu outbreak on a farm in northern England](
Thousands of chickens will be slaughtered after an outbreak of bird flu has been confirmed on a commercial farm in northwest England.
A 3km preventive zone was set up after the virus was found in a location in Helsby near Frodsham, Cheshire. About 13,500 birds are slaughtered.
After a positive case was revealed on Monday, the test confirmed a highly pathogenic strain of avian influenza associated with a strain currently passing through Europe.
It has nothing to do with Covid-19, and public health officials report that the risk to the public is “very low.” Liverpool Echo.
(Image: Getty Images)
Poultry products, including properly cooked poultry and eggs, are safe to eat.
All facilities with poultry and / or captive birds remain isolated outside the prevention zone to prevent contact with wild birds.
Movement of birds, mammals, and carcasses, eggs, used poultry debris and manure on and off the premises where poultry is present is prohibited without permission.
Approximately 13,500 birds are humanely disposed of on the farm, limiting the spread of the disease.
UK public health services and a local health protection team are also involved, stating that the human risk of infection is very low for the general public and low for direct contact in the field.
The Cheshire West and Chester Council works with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Areas (DEFRA), the Department for Environment, Food and Veterinary Medicine (APHA), the Public Health Services (PHE), and other partners to address the outbreak.
Councilor Karen Shore, Deputy Leader of the Council and Minister of the Environment, said: “The UK Public Health Service has confirmed that the risk to public health from viruses is very low. UK consumers.
“We are working locally to support potentially affected residents, local businesses and institutions, as well as provide information to help manage infections.”
A spokesman for the Food Standards Agency said, “Poultry products, including properly cooked poultry and eggs, are safe to eat.”
Clinical symptoms that poultry breeders should seek from birds include swelling of the head, discoloration of the neck and throat, loss of appetite, dyspnea, diarrhea, and decreased egg production, but clinical symptoms vary by bird species.
H5N8 bird flu is now widespread in wild birds and poultry in Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East, causing clinical symptoms in affected birds.
This has raised the risk level of wild bird migration to the UK to a moderate level. These viruses have nothing to do with the Covid-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which does not infect poultry.
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