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The death of a black mother after the birth of her first child highlights racial disparities in maternal mortality.

The death of a black mother after the birth of her first child highlights racial disparities in maternal mortality.
The death of a black mother after the birth of her first child highlights racial disparities in maternal mortality.


The death of a black pediatrician due to postpartum complications after having her first child Racial disparity in maternal mortality..

Dr. Shanice Wallace, 30, died on October 22, just two days after her and her husband, Anthony Wallace, Jr., had their daughter Charlotte.

According to the GoFundMe page Anthony, the baby was born four weeks early by caesarean section after the doctor learned that he had preeclampsia symptoms. Two days after giving birth, Chanise had emergency surgery due to complications, he said.

Dr. Shanice Wallace.Indiana University School of Medicine

“Three of the main challenges we encountered were liver rupture, high blood pressure, and the kidneys not being fully functional,” he writes. “Shanice fought with all the power, courage, and faith she had available.”

Pre-eclampsia is a condition of blood pressure According to the Mayo Clinic, it usually begins 20 weeks after pregnancy. It may occur in the absence of symptoms, but there are signs of elevated blood pressure, altered vision, severe headaches, signs of kidney and liver problems, and pain in the upper abdomen.

If left untreated, it can cause serious and even fatal complications.

According to a 2017 report, black women develop pre-eclampsia at a 60% higher rate than white women. Medical expense utilization project.. The report also found that the condition of white women was less severe than that of blacks.

And Data released in January According to the National Center for Health Statistics, black women are more affected by maternal mortality than white women.According to the data, nationwide Maternal mortality rate The proportion was estimated to be 17.4 maternal mortality per 100,000 live births in 2018, when 658 women died.

Dr. Shanice Wallace.Via Facebook

Of those 658 deaths, researchers found that black women died 2.5 times more often than white women. Researchers do not have a clear explanation as to why.

Dr. Carmen Ecoles, a family doctor in the Atlanta Metro Area, said she believes there are many factors, including susceptibility to certain health conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity.

“If these existing conditions are present and not properly managed, physical and often psychological stress of pregnancy may cause those existing conditions, complications, to be under-controlled. There is, “she said in a telephone interview on Friday.

Echols is discrimination in the healthcare system Cultural prejudice in medical education He is also a contributor.

“Knowing that discrimination exists, it will be a chronic stress on the body that can raise your blood pressure, and the body can then cause physical weathering.” She said.

“And from a population perspective, it just reduced access to reproduction. [and] Preventive Health … African-American women as a whole are reducing access to these aspects of health care. “

She said she needed to discuss it more before she could start tackling this issue.

so October 27 TweetDr. Omorara Uwemedimo, a New York-based pediatrician and founder of melanin medicine and motherhood, sought the protection of black women.

“Dr. Chanice Wallace. Say her name. We say we protect black women because you don’t. All, including healthcare providers who have devoted their lives to keeping us alive. “A black woman,” she wrote. “My head says that black women in medicine and academia will not stop until they are safe, protected and supported, but my heart hurts.”

Preeclampsia is one of the most preventable pregnancy complications, said New York doctor and health expert Arabia Morett, but the proportion and prognosis of black women remains high.

“As a black female doctor, my heart mourns the loss of Dr. Wallace,” she said. Partially written on Facebook.. “I wish she had another result here to raise her daughter Charlotte. #Obstetrics needs a revolution.”

Prior to her death, Shanice worked as a trainee at the Riley Children’s Health Hospital in Indianapolis. Her husband said on the GoFundMe page that she had completed the board exam and was interviewing for positions across the country.

Friday’s comment did not reach Anthony.

IU Riley Ped’s Residency Instagram post Shanice’s future impact is to “certainly expand,” and she was taken too early.

Anthony said his daughter remained in the neonatal intensive care unit and was “doing very well.”

“You are not physically with us, but I always hold you in my heart and share your wonderful memories with my daughter Charlotte. For the five years that God has given me, I I am grateful forever, “he wrote. GoFundMe, Raised over $ 154,000 as of Friday afternoon.

Chaniece’s home-going service is scheduled for Saturday.

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