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Studies claiming that mutations in the insulin gene make most people more susceptible to type 2 diabetes

Studies claiming that mutations in the insulin gene make most people more susceptible to type 2 diabetes
Studies claiming that mutations in the insulin gene make most people more susceptible to type 2 diabetes


Type 2 diabetes is a chronic health condition that occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin or does not use it well. This condition affects the majority of diabetics and is common in middle-aged and older people. People who are obese or have a history of it are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. According to the International Diabetes Federation, the prevalence of this condition is rising rapidly, making diabetes one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century.

A group of researchers at Indiana University School of Medicine say that evolutionary mutations in the insulin gene may have made most people more susceptible to type 2 diabetes.

The results of the study Proceedings of the United States Academy of Sciences..

Mutation and evolution

Mutations are small changes in the DNA of an organism that can occur spontaneously each time a cell makes a new copy of DNA or by exposure to a chemical or radiation.

These mutations can lead to the addition, substitution, or deletion of gene sequences and can be a source of evolution. Point mutations (changes in a single nucleotide or sugar in DNA), even gene deletions, are beneficial to humans and help them adapt better to their surroundings and changing environment. On the other hand, some mutations are harmful and cause genetic diseases or are detrimental to the organism in terms of survival.

Latest research

Mutations in the insulin gene have proven to be harmful to humans. These mutations affect protein folding and help proinsulin reach its functional form.

Protein folding is an important process in which newly formed proteins are folded into a three-dimensional conformation to achieve their normal function. Proinsulin is a linear precursor of insulin.

“Biological processes usually evolve robustly, which in most cases protects us from birth defects and illnesses,” said Dr. Michael Weiss, Principal Investigator for the study. news release According to Indiana University School of Medicine. “But diabetes seems to be an exception.”

The authors of the study also added that over the past 540 million years, humans have evolved to be vulnerable to several mutations in the insulin gene. This vulnerability predisposes them to monogenic (monogenic) diabetes. It also causes insulin to better adapt to obesity, ultimately leading to obesity-related diabetes.

Interestingly, researchers have shown that even small mutations in the insulin gene not only affect insulin folding, but also stress beta cells, the cells of the pancreas that produce insulin. .. This stress impairs the function of beta cells and ultimately damages these insulin-producing cells, exacerbating the situation.

In a news release, the authors of the study pointed out that this new information would help us better understand the etiology of type 2 diabetes. It also helps develop better drugs to maintain insulin production in high-risk populations.

For more information Diabetes..

The Firstpost Health article was created by, India’s first and largest resource for validated medical information. At myUpchar, researchers and journalists work with doctors to provide all the information about health.

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