The review began after the hotel narrowly escaped from an earthquake
![The review began after the hotel narrowly escaped from an earthquake The review began after the hotel narrowly escaped from an earthquake](https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/4/y/p/a/n/b/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.1420x800.4yp8y2.png/1604978341109.jpg)
Scott Hammond / Staff
A building at the Picton Yacht Club Hotel is under peer review for seismic assessments after it just escaped its earthquake hazard.
A 50-year-old building in Picton received a seismic rating review after narrowly escaping the “earthquake prone” sign.
An engineer report found the Picton Yacht Club Hotel building had a 33.5 percent seismic performance – just 0.5 percent higher than construction standards deemed earthquake risk, meaning mandatory repairs.
The “marginal finding” concerned Marlborough County Council, which ordered a peer review of the assessment and was considering a complaint to an engineering body.
Councils across New Zealand need to identify commercial and industrial buildings that are prone to earthquakes, and order owners to strengthen or demolish them within specified time frames.
Read more: * Three buildings in Marlborough are potentially earthquake prone, but not prioritized * Engineers identify a number of issues in the Lower Hutt Library * Google Earthquake Checks: Street View is used to find buildings potentially at risk
The Earthquake-Prone Buildings Register of the Ministry of Construction, Innovation, and Employment showed that the hotel building in the 1970s was designated as prone to earthquakes after the council granted it a seismic rating of 17 percent in 2018.
Contributing factors to this classification were the age of the building, ground conditions, and irregular building plans.
Other hotel buildings were not at risk of earthquake.
A council spokesman said staff could not comment in detail on the hotel because the review had not yet been completed.
Scott Hammond / Staff
If the building turns out to be an earthquake hazard, the owners will need to strengthen or demolish it within a certain time frame.
But a report from a board meeting last month showed it was considering making a “formal complaint” with an independent engineering consultant in New Zealand.
If the review returns “significantly different” advice, the spokesperson said, boards could ask New Zealand engineering to narrow the differences in the assessment ratings.
Helen Davidson, Acting Chief Executive of Engineering of New Zealand, said seismic assessments require significant professional judgment, which means that different engineers can provide different assessments for the same building.
When this happened, NZ Engineering facilitated the meeting so that the engineers could come to an agreement and narrow the outcome. This customer may cost more than $ 5,000.
Scott Hammond / Staff
The building is one of four in Picton that has been marked as vulnerable to earthquakes.
She did not confirm whether she was looking into the hotel issue.
CPG Hotels, the owner of the Picton Yacht Club, could not be reached for comment in time for print.
Being a mostly high-risk area, Marlboro had until July 2022 to identify buildings prone to earthquakes.
Once the building is identified as being earthquake prone, a request is issued to the owner asking him to provide the board with an engineering assessment of its seismic resilience. The cost of this fell on the owners.
If it turns out to be an earthquake risk, the owner has 15 years to remove or strengthen the building, or seven and a half years if it is a priority building. Landlords will also need to display a notice warning about the condition of the building.
There were a total of 18 buildings listed as being prone to earthquakes in the region – four in Picton, 13 in Blenheim, and one in Renwick. These included the Wairau Hospital Building, Picton Little Theater, and Haddin Court Flats Theater.
Scott Hammond / Staff
The hotel is located in Picton, which is a high-risk earthquake zone.
A survey by the council of priority buildings in Marlborough – such as hospitals, schools, and buildings located along important travel routes – found that three of them present a potential earthquake risk.
The new process followed an amendment to the Earthquake-Prone Buildings Act in July 2017, which required a new review of buildings under the guidance of the Ministry of Building Innovation and Employment (MBIE).
A spokesman for the ministry said the amendment, which was prompted by the Canterbury earthquakes, aims to develop a consistent national approach to the rehabilitation of earthquake-prone buildings.
“This was due to a strong desire to reduce … the risks to people in and around buildings due to the lives lost in the aftermath of the Canterbury earthquakes.”
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