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WrestleMania 36 results: Firefly entertainment house responds to defiant belief


WWE has set the high bar for WrestleMania 36Off-field cinematic wrestling with Boneyard Night One. Bray Wyatt and John Cena on Sunday Night Two tried to recreate the magic with a Firefly Fun House match. It was … something.

At first it looked like we could stay in a performance center. Cena registered there as if this was going to be another match in the ring. But Bray Wyatt took the screen and transported Cena to the set of his kids’ show (aka his mind), where he said Cena would have to face … himself.

The Ramblin rabbit warned Cena not to follow Bray, but he did. And he ran into Mr. McMahon’s doll, who wanted to see some reckless aggression or was fired.

From there, we took the trip though Cena – and WWE – history. Wyatt played Kurt Angle in the recreation of Prin’s debut SmackDown. We got a riff from the 80’s with a studio promotion Main event Saturday night where Cena (or Johnny Largemeat, as Bray’s guy Hulk Hogan called him) danced to Muscle Man until he blew himself up.

Then Dr. Thuganomics cut a promo on Wyatt in the ring. Bray returned fire with a promotion reminiscent of fans’ complaints that Cino’s baby character is a bully like a bully who buried people.

Bray gave him a chance to be nice, but he didn’t, so Wyatt picked him up with his own chain.

It was Bray’s turn to look at the old trick again. The cult leader reduced the promotion to his own WrestleMania 30 meeting. He offered himself a chance for Cena to correct his mistake and bring him out with a chair. Cena tried but we rolled again. This time on WCW.

Dressed as (and interrupted by recordings) by Eric Bischoff, Wyatt came up with a price.

The McMahon doll praised it from a comment along the lines that Jon Moxley celebrated, “this is such good shit.” Cena attacked Bray as we saw footage of fans going crazy during the LOLCENAWINS era.

But Wyatt disappeared again and appeared behind Cina as Fiend. He locked himself in Mandible Claw as we heard a sound from Cena’s promotion last Friday. A needle followed. Price lost. Fiend won.

And I’m pretty sure no one knows what we were looking at, Tita.

complete WrestleMania 36 scores and coverage of the entire card here.

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