Record Coronavirus Rate Hits US | Health Wellness
Newly identified cases of coronavirus in the United States have risen to an all-time high of over 86,000 per day on average, with a glimpse of the exacerbation of the crisis ahead of the next administration.
Incidents and hospitalizations set records nationwide, just as holidays and winters approach, showing the challenges facing president-elect Joe Biden in the coming months.
According to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University, new daily cases of coronavirus in the United States have surged 45% in the last two weeks, averaging 86,352 over a seven-day period. Deaths are also increasing, increasing by 15% to an average of 846 deaths daily.
The total number of deaths in the United States has already exceeded 239,000, and the total number of confirmed cases in the United States has exceeded 9 million. These are the highest totals in the world, with new infections increasing in almost every state.
Some states report tough numbers that are fueling national trends. Texas set a record for coronavirus cases in hospitals in Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, reporting 9,048 new cases and 126 deaths last week. About one-third of new cases in Texas occurred in the devastated El Paso. There, the highest health authorities said the hospital was at the “limit”.
By the end of January, another 100,000 Americans could die from the virus if the country didn’t change course, said Dr. Robert Murphy, secretary-general of the Global Health Institute at Northwestern University’s Fineberg School of Medicine. Said high. Public health expert.
“The place we are in is in a very miserable place as a country. All the metrics we have are heading in the wrong direction. This is a virus that keeps escalating at an accelerated rate. It doesn’t stop on its own, “said Dr. Linawen, a public health expert at George Washington University.
Dr. Susan Bailey, president of the American Medical Association, said there is something Americans can do now to help change the course.
“Everyone in the United States has to give in, regardless of the outcome of the election,” Bailey said.
“Many of us are a little relaxed about getting physically separated, not washing our hands as often as we used to, or wearing masks less faithfully. We all escalate things. You need to be aware of what you are doing and pay more attention than ever before, “she said.
Polls have shown that the public health crisis and the economy are of utmost concern to many Americans.
Federal health officials say they believe the vaccine can be licensed for emergency use by the end of the year. The first limited dose supply is then immediately distributed to the most vulnerable populations, likely to include frontline healthcare workers. After that, the dose will gradually become more widely available.
The timeline depends on getting vaccines that have been shown to be safe and effective, but experts say they are still uncertain.
“Vaccines need to move at the speed of science,” said Dr. Joshua Schaffstein, vice director of public health practice at Johns Hopkins University and former director of health at Maryland.
In terms of treatment, two antibody drug manufacturers have asked the Food and Drug Administration to allow people with mild to moderate COVID-19 to use them urgently.
The government continues to sponsor a number of studies testing other treatments alone or in combination with remdesivir. But if President Trump manages to deal with the threat of dismissing the government’s top infectious disease doctor, Dr. Anthony Fauci, or other top health officials, who clashed before the new administration took over, a cure It may affect development.
Most Americans support requiring masks in public, according to AP VoteCast, a national survey of more than 133,000 voters and non-voters conducted by the University’s NORC for the Associated Press. In Chicago, we believe that preventing the spread of the virus is a priority over protecting the economy.
Dr. Cedric Dark, an emergency physician in Houston, said that without a national pandemic strategy, more Americans would rely on taking the necessary precautions to curb the spread of the virus in the United States. He said the holiday season would make it difficult.
“Thanksgiving, college winter vacation, Christmas time, Hanukkah will be,” he said, but the family may have to resist this year’s close gatherings. He added that the outbreak on college campuses meant that many students could take the virus home and spread it to their parents and grandparents.
Dark, who hasn’t seen his parents for over a year, had to adjust his vacation plan. This year, Thanksgiving is in my parents’ garage, with the doors up, chairs more than 6 feet apart, and space heaters as needed.
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