Hidden reasons why children born by Caesarean section are more likely to develop asthma
Researchers at Rutgers University, a prospective Copenhagen study on childhood asthma, and researchers at the University of Copenhagen have found that delivery by caesarean section interferes with the baby’s ability to obtain beneficial bacteria from the mother’s microflora, and which For the first time I explained how early it leads to childhood asthma.
Research published in Scientific translation medicineUnderstand the role of caesarean section, which can distort the child’s microbiota, the trillions of beneficial microbes that live in and above our body, and how this affects health. Affects.It can lead to new preventive strategies, including targeted efforts to correct children’s disabilities Microbiome..
“Mothers of all generations pass on their microbiome to the next generation while their baby is covered with beneficial bacteria. Birth canal“But this doesn’t happen to babies born by Caesarean section,” said Martin Brother, co-author of the Center for Advanced Biotechnology Medicine at Rutgers University. “By the time a baby born by Caesarean section is born,” he said. Takes a while. Normal microbiome. And in the meantime Immune system Also, there is an increased risk of developing certain diseases such as asthma later. This study provides a mechanism for a known link between cesarean delivery and increased risk of asthma. “
The researchers analyzed the effects of vaginal delivery and caesarean section in the first year of life in 700 children. To determine if the type of labor caused the destruction of the microbiome, and if these were associated with asthma, they examined the fecal samples of children a week, a month, and a year to determine that they were microbial. Judged diversity and maturity.
Researchers have found that delivery by caesarean section more than doubles the risk of later asthma and allergies, resulting in significant changes in the composition of the gut flora. However, at the age of one, if the gut flora recovered from its initial destruction and began to mature normally, children born by caesarean section had a reduced risk of asthma.
Jacob Stokholm, senior scientist in Copenhagen prospective studies, said, “If the child was born by caesarean section and the early microbial perturbations were very high, but the microbiome was sufficiently mature before the age of one There is no increased risk of asthma. ” About childhood asthma and the lead author of the study. “Our research suggests a restoration perspective. Caesarean section-Confused microbiome, thereby probably preventing asthma Development of children who are otherwise at high risk. ”
“Delivery mode and intestinal microbial changes correlate with increased risk of childhood asthma.” Scientific translation medicine (2020).… 26/scisignal.aax9929
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Rutgers University
Quote: Hidden reasons why children born by Caesarean section are more likely to develop asthma (November 11, 2020) November 11, 2020 Obtained from -born-c-section-asthma.html
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