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People with learning disabilities had a higher mortality rate from COVID-19

People with learning disabilities had a higher mortality rate from COVID-19
People with learning disabilities had a higher mortality rate from COVID-19


Report, Deaths of people identified as having learning disabilities due to COVID-19 in the United Kingdom in the spring of 2020 We examined data from the English Learning Disability Mortality Review (manager) And NHS England COVID-19 Patient Notification System (CPNS) Record deaths in hospital settings.

Between March 21st and June 5th, 451 per 100,000 people registered as learning disabilities died of COVID-19, and mortality after adjusting for other factors such as age and gender is common. It was 4.1 times the population.

However, not all deaths of people with learning disabilities are registered in these databases, so researchers estimate that the real rate could be 6.3 times higher, at 692 per 100,000. did.

Deaths were also much more widespread throughout the age group among people with learning disabilities, and the mortality rate of young adults was much higher than that of the general population. Researchers found that the mortality rate of people between the ages of 18 and 34 with learning disabilities was 30 times higher than that of the same age group without disabilities.

Among people with learning disabilities, COVID-19 mortality in home care adults was generally higher than COVID-19 mortality in adults with learning disabilities. This difference may partially reflect the age and disability of people in home care.

People with learning disabilities are more likely to have other physical health problems such as obesity and diabetes, and certain types of learning disabilities such as Down’s syndrome make people more vulnerable to respiratory infections. And may increase the risk of dying from COVID-19.

Professor John Newton, Director of Health Improvement at UK Public Health Services, said:

It’s very annoying that one of the most vulnerable groups in our society suffered so much during the first wave of pandemics. We must do everything we can to prevent this from happening again.

Today, care homes are undergoing regular tests to ensure that cases of coronavirus can be quickly identified and identified even if people are not aware of their symptoms.

However, due to the nationwide outbreaks, it is imperative to practice strict infection control when contacting people with learning disabilities, regardless of whether they live in a care facility or not.

Wash your hands, wear a mask and keep a safe distance. The fewer people you meet, the more you can stop spreading.

Learning disorders are a significant reduction in the ability to understand new and complex information and learn new skills, reduce the ability to deal independently that began before adulthood, and have a lasting impact on development. .. This means that people with learning disabilities often find it difficult to manage their basic daily skills and may rely on support for many tasks such as communication, money management, and personal care. there is.

People with learning disabilities reported that it was likely that they had difficulty recognizing the symptoms of COVID-19, being tested, self-isolating, social distance, and following government advice on infection prevention and control. The book states. Also, if the symptoms are not communicated, it can be more difficult for those who care about the onset of the symptoms to recognize.

Helen Wattery, Minister of Social Welfare, said:

All deaths from COVID-19 are tragic and we would like to extend our deepest sympathies to all who lost their loved ones during the pandemic. I know how difficult this pandemic was for people with learning disabilities and those who care for them.

Sadly, one-third of people with learning disabilities who died lived in home care. Currently, care home staff and residents are regularly tested and tested in a living environment supported in high-risk areas.You can also use it for free PPE, And the Joint Committee on Vaccines and Vaccinations suggested that people living and working in long-term care facilities should be at the top of the list of vaccinations.

This report adds knowledge about COVID-19 and how people with learning disabilities are affected by this cruel illness.I am asking Sage We’ll review the findings and give you advice on what you can do to keep people safe.

Background information

The report, “Deaths of People Identified with COVID-19 Learning Disorders in the UK in Spring 2020,” is available with the support of the Chief Medical Officer, following a formal committee from the Ministry of Health. We conducted a further analysis of things. Data related to the death of people with learning disabilities from COVID-19 to inform policies and practices.

Resources for people with learning disabilities and their caregivers can be found at: NHS-Learning-Disability and Autism

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