The best exercise to correct your posture
You may not think about your posture when exercising, but the truth is some kind motion Improves posture more than others.How may you be more worried Miles You can enter, or you can Weightlifting Games — Posture is an important factor in exercise and daily life.
“By taking time to improve your posture, you end up with a better daily body shape, especially improving weight balance and distribution during exercise, minimizing the risk of injury and muscle tension. You can do it. ” Lee Jay, Certified personal trainer and Pilates instructor.
Some training will help you set up for success Better posture, Especially the following Pilates And yoga Focus on alignment and move your muscles in a balanced way. If you’re looking for a workout that will help you improve your posture, continue reading below to find the one that’s right for you.
Pilates exercises for better posture
Pilates class It has little impact, but it is a seriously challenging training. Pilates classes also have a great focus on form and correct placement, which rewards your attitude. “As a Matt Pilates instructor, I always emphasize the importance of good posture. Pilates is the most effective exercise that not only improves, but also focuses on how to sit, stand and lie down. It’s one of them, “says Jay.
Here are some Pilates exercises that Jay recommends for better posture:
Twist of the spine
“”[The spine twist] While dropping the shoulders and engaging the abdomen, it promotes the extension of the upper spine and engages the abdominal muscles in a stable seating position. Pelvic stability allows the body to twist along a central vertical axis, increasing flexibility along the spine while allowing the body to train and maintain good shape. “
Reverse plank bridge
“Stretch your hips straight and straighten your rounded shoulders. When your chest opens, your shoulders are rounded and your spine is in place. This exercise involves the rhomboid, deltoid, and hip flexors. It is effective for targeting major muscle groups with good posture. “
Shoulder bridge
“In the upward phase, pushing up and lifting the gluteal muscles spreads the weight evenly over the legs and moves the hips over the thorax. The reach of the overhead arms keeps the spine long and the shoulders from the ears. Encourage them to drop. In the downward phase, the spine drops one vertebral bone at a time, as if the chain of the bicycle is moving. The arms are lowered, the gluteal muscles remain on the mat, and the back is engraved. . “
Ballet exercises for better posture
Ballet class has the foundations of dance and Pilates. That is, the focus is usually on core work. “A strong abdomen is essential to protect the lower back and support better posture,” said Andrea Rogers, founder and CEO of. Xtend Barre..
Heels rise
Ballet class is a full body workout, but Jay says one unique movement that most ballet classes have adopted that can really help with posture is to raise the heel. Lifting your heels with certain exercises can help your leg and leg muscles work to support good posture.
“The heel lift helps put your foot in a position that helps the rest of your body line up. When your heels are raised, your muscles ignite when your pelvis is pushed down, and your quadriceps muscles. It engages to strengthen the knees, raises the arms above the head, separates the shoulders from the ears, and aligns the spine, “says Jay.
Yoga practice for better posture
With an emphasis on flexibility, strength and balance, yoga complements almost any exercise routine or lifestyle. When it comes to posture benefits, yoga is a good candidate because it involves the core and back muscles, and many of the “bending forward” muscles are countered by open chest and upper body poses.
Cobra pose
Jay likes cobra poses. “It is an excellent movement that reverses the” sloppy effect “, enhances lung capacity, and relieves tension and stress in the body. After a cobra, you naturally tend to get taller, “says Jay.
“Starting from lying on your abdomen, slide your hands sideways so that your elbows are pulled into your chest. When your shoulders roll back, your top lifts off the ground, your chest opens and your spine stretches, The whole body engages, increasing the flexibility of this area. ”
Strength training exercises for better posture
The key to strength training for better posture is to ensure that posture-targeted movements are incorporated into your routine. The whole body strength training routine is perfect for ensuring that you hit all muscle groups for a better posture.
“Posture is made up of a series of muscle groups that act throughout the body. From the legs to the hamstrings, the large back muscles, the shoulder girdle, to the head, the body is a chain, one bad link to the other. It can cause defects in the location of, “says Jay.
“A proper deadlift will help promote good daily posture as it targets the rear chain. You don’t have to be heavy to enjoy the benefits of this movement.” Says Jay.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended to provide health or medical advice. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about your medical condition or health goals.
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