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Dry food or raw? Diet affects skin gene expression in both healthy and atopic dogs-ScienceDaily

Dry food or raw? Diet affects skin gene expression in both healthy and atopic dogs-ScienceDaily
Dry food or raw? Diet affects skin gene expression in both healthy and atopic dogs-ScienceDaily


Researchers at the University of Helsinki, Finland, examined 48 Staffordshire Bull Terriers. Eight of these dogs (4 healthy dogs and 4 atopic dogs) were selected for RNA sequencing, between both atopic and healthy dogs, and dogs that ate dry or raw food. ..

Diet seems to make a big difference in gene expression in the skin.

“Before the diet comparing atopic and healthy dogs, we found only a total of eight genes that function in different ways on the skin, but the intervention increased this manifold of numbers. , Diet interventions are very important for the actual difference. Gene expression emerges, “says Johanna Anturaniemi, a researcher at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki.

Dietary effects on skin gene expression were primarily associated with the immune system, antioxidants, and inflammatory processes. Raw food appeared to activate not only the immune defense system of the skin, but also the expression of genes that increase the production of antioxidants and genes that have anti-inflammatory effects.

“Previous studies have also shown that a raw meat-based diet has anti-inflammatory effects on blood gene expression,” says Anturaniemi.

Regarding puppy breeding, researchers believe it is especially important to discover the fact that the immune defenses of dogs eating raw food-based diets are activated. It is known that in people suffering from atopic dermatitis, immune development is impeded and diverse exposure to microbial organisms in childhood reduces the risk of atopic dermatitis.

Differences in skin gene expression between atopic and healthy dogs highlighted possible defects in lipid metabolism and keratinocyte proliferation in atopic individuals. Both play an important role in the normal functioning of the skin barrier.

In addition, expression of genes that promote the formation of new blood vessels, a phenomenon known to be associated with the inflammatory response of the skin, was found to be increased in atopic dogs. The findings support those done in previous studies.

“We have identified several genes that have not been previously reported to be associated with canine atopic dermatitis. Some of them are associated with known metabolic pathway disruptions, but others in atopic dermatitis. The role of is small since the number of dogs involved in the study, so the results can be considered preliminary. In fact, the purpose is to utilize the remaining skin samples collected. , To see them at a later date, “says Anturaniemi.

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier dietary intervention trial was conducted at the University of Helsinki, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. In the trial, dogs were divided into groups and their diet was based on either dry food or raw food for about 4 months. A total of 48 dogs participated in the study, 8 of which were selected for RNA sequencing. Four of the eight dogs are healthy and, like the other four dogs selected for the sequence suffering from atopic dermatitis, represent both dietary groups equally.

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material Provided by University of Helsinki.. Note: The content can be edited in style and length.


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