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Would You Be My Neighbor: How Lifestyle Change Programs For Diabetes Prevention Evolved During COVID-19

Would You Be My Neighbor: How Lifestyle Change Programs For Diabetes Prevention Evolved During COVID-19
Would You Be My Neighbor: How Lifestyle Change Programs For Diabetes Prevention Evolved During COVID-19


Neighborhood relationships are especially meaningful with lifestyle fixes such as those approved by the CDC. National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), A partnership between public and private organizations to prevent or delay the development of type 2 diabetes in people with prediabetes.

There is an estimate 88 million An American adult living with prediabetes. But more than ever, people need to stop the progression of the disease. A CDC research Coronavirus patients with underlying chronic illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease were found to be 6 times more likely to be hospitalized and 12 times more likely to die.

Our experience has shown that deploying DPP at a neighborhood level where the program is available within 10 minutes of the participant’s home is the most effective way to promote long-term success. I will. Many aspects of life have moved online, but the power of the neighborhood remains.

Thinking about the “community” of lifestyle change programs

DPP’s lifestyle change program has been proven through AMA and CDC research and testing to restore metabolic control. Since 2010, DPP has helped about 500,000 people delay or avoid the onset of type 2 diabetes, and Medicare and many health insurances are effective enough to cover this program. ..

DPP can be reduced by combining nutrition and health counseling, exercise programs, personalized coaching, motivational support, and resources. Participant risk At least 58% and 71% of people over the age of 60 develop type 2 diabetes. However, a key success factor in making lasting lifestyle changes is meaningful human connections. Effective face-to-face community care and support is a fundamental element of the program.

Studies show Social support It leads to better adherence to diet and exercise routines. Smartphone apps can monitor diets, and health-centric online social networks motivate many to eliminate unhealthy habits. But as the song progresses, people really need people to maintain new habits over time.

Supportive daily human interactions and community sensations are important drivers of effective treatment and sustained behavior change. Participants are more likely to stick to new lifestyle choices when they have a friendly and credible group with the coaches they feel responsible for. The group environment acts as a support base when situations become more difficult and people are often missed. Having a group to celebrate the achievements motivates participants to stay on the course.

Place, place — Sustainable Lifestyle changes

The doctor-patient relationship is central to the success of DPP. Doctors recommend programs that can diagnose the condition of prediabetes and monitor the patient’s progress. But even the day before the pandemic, doctors rarely had enough time for the follow-up needed — a gap that DPP coaches could fill.

DPP is most effective when the program extends the scope of physicians to the community in which the patient lives. Ideally, within 10 minutes from home. If the options are affordable, convenient, and lifestyle compatible, people are more likely to make better health-related choices.

For example, healthy home cooking requires time, skill, and planning. Sharing with groups makes it easy to collect relevant regional information. New recipes with seasonal ingredients, farmer’s market inventory, “senior hours”, special supermarket sales and more. Participants are neighbors and coaches are part of the community, so the most trusted resources and tips come from within the group.

But what if the face-to-face support group can’t meet? Is looking at the virtual community online a good alternative to face-to-face gatherings?

COVID-19 effect

Most diabetes prevention programs are organized through hospitals or the YMCA / YWCA. However, when COVID-19 struck the United States in March, those options evaporated. Many Y and other public sites hosting DPP conferences needed to shut down or reduce their activities. The hospital relocated staff to COVID-19 Care and even dismissed staff due to limited selective or non-essential procedures.

In addition, many DPP participants wanted to avoid hospitals and clinics with rally groups and indoor locations. Fear is now exacerbating the existing tendency to delay regular health appointments.

First Mile Care immediately canceled the face-to-face DPP class as soon as the COVID-19 shutdown began, but wanted to continue running the program for current registrants. Assuming everyone has access to the phone, I suggested changing the class to phone only as the simplest entry point.

Switching to a video-based virtual class was expected to lose many participants. With over 52% of registrants over the age of 65, we found it difficult to adapt to the online-only world. Satisfyingly, over 98% of the participants agreed to continue the program. This is because they realized that underlying conditions such as prediabetes put them at greater risk. The remaining handful planned to rejoin when the face-to-face meeting resumed, assuming short interruptions.

Migrating face-to-face coaching sessions to virtual meetings was easier than expected, so it may be a natural leap to assume that neighboring groups are now passing. Coaching groups can cobble together from multiple regions if everyone can meet online, right? The answer is “yes” and “no”.

Where to meet people they is

Our findings are that COVID-19 has not killed a direct lifestyle change meeting. It actually created new interest and tripled registration and class offerings since the outbreak of the virus.

At first, we temporarily created a new DPP class because we assumed that people were too distracted to try health-based lifestyle changes when people were already forced to change their routines. It has stopped. However, doctors have learned that pre-diabetic patients are eager to find ways to tackle prevention. Doctors were worried that the patient’s progression would slow down and often become isolated. People with inadequate health decisions Social isolation It’s already a serious problem.

Participants also learned that they are willing to not consider DPP. in spite of There is a limitation of COVID-19, Because Of that. If the virus is already disrupting your life, why not try something new with real health benefits? With restaurants closed or restricted and fitness centers off limits, people are actively testing their culinary skills and new types of exercise.

However, it is important to maintain the power of the neighborhood cohort while meeting people at their current location, either in the living room via a group video or on an optional social distance walk in a nearby park. understood. People happen to prefer to meet in person as well as online, even if it is a post-vaccination date in the future.

Life during a pandemic helped DPP participants embrace neighborhood-based connections to support their common goals of a healthier diet, more exercise, and stress relief. They crave an ambitious audience who can share the challenge of addressing dietary and fitness goals in the face of unforeseen changes in their communities. Also, COVID-19 limits vary widely by region, so even online, you can share the same experience with hurricanes, wildfires, extreme heat, street protests, etc. by keeping the group in a nearby cohort. ..

We have also launched an online education session that leverages the expertise of coaches in multiple locations to combine participants from the entire group in ways that were not possible before COVID-19. Learn to do resistance-building exercises at home when the gym is closed, prepare a healthy diet with pantry staples to reduce trips to the supermarket, or use meditation to stress Whether or not you learn to relieve stress, it is difficult to find a way to work with people during a pandemic.

Don’t look back

The future of DPP’s success seems to be now adopting a hybrid model. This coercive experiment with virtual sessions demonstrates their value for a particular activity, but complements and does not replace a neighboring cohort. COVID-19 emphasizes how much you want personal connections that you can’t provide on the screen. Closer ties and local knowledge are irreplaceable benefits provided by neighboring groups that contribute to sustainable lifestyle changes.

Daphne Li is Chief Operating Officer of. First mile care, A preventive chronic care company based in Silicon Valley. She is also Managing Director of Business Acceleration at Health 2047 Inc. Previously, Daphne was Senior Vice President and Enterprise General Manager of SaaS Platform Provider Upwork, and also led marketing and product management for ADP. Early in her career, she was the Strategic Director of Apple’s Education Group. Her passion for scaling companies began when she was on the Bain & Company business acceleration team. She holds both an MBA and BA in Economics from Stanford University.


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