Taylor Winterstein: Anti Vaxxer Footy WAG & Comments on WAG Coronavirus
The notorious anti-Vaxxer footy WAG urges the Australian government to develop a coronavirus vaccine scam compares fatal pandemics and common colds.
Taylor Winterstein is confined in the French city of Toulouse with Frankie, the international husband of the Australian-Samoan Rugby League, testing more than 1.3 million people worldwide for COVID-19.
The two mothers sat on a pandemic Saturday to advertise the anti-vaccination platform on social media – when a former medical professor warned of the views she shared; last need of this crisis In time.
About 5,895 Australians infected with the virus and the country have linked more than half of the world to blockade, Winterstein posted a message of incitement on Saturday, stating government tensions on vaccines as “a scam”. It ’s safe. ”
Footy WAG Taylor Winterstein (along with rugby tournament international Frank, above) has caught the coronavirus pandemic to share her anti-baxer views.
Winterstein, photographed with the footballer’s husband in the photo above, shared her views on COVID-19 on Instagram on Saturday. Focus on Driving Vaccines was Australian Government Scams && nbsp;-& nbsp; t said vaccines The only chance you destroyed the virus Has a world to do
Part of a comment posted by Ms Winterstein on Saturday
In a comment – flatly rejected by healthcare professionals – Winterstein argued: “COVID-19 is an effective use by healthcare providers worldwide, including intravenous vitamin C and chloroquine There are various treatments.
However, the Australian government is still working to print vaccines, as vaccines are the only solution. This is a scam.
Public health officials said that creating a vaccine was the best way to control the disease and eventually eradicate it.
Government agencies, such as NSW Prime Minister Gladys Veggielian, have warned that limiting social distance will have an impact until a vaccine is found & # 39 ;.
Influencer Ms Winterstein with over 30,000 followers also claimed it was & # 39. Scams was the country was included for viruses that appear as common colds for most people as well against viruses such as HIV / AIDS When no countermeasures were taken.
Emeritus Professor of Medicine John Dwyer of the University of New South Wales told Daily Mail Australia that influential WAGs are severely lacking in their views.
sad, isn’t it? The last thing we need is something like this &&; Dwyer describes them, and comments like cold & ; really ignorant .
At the moment, it is the only chance to get rid of this virus with a vaccine && 39; he said.
D Effective treatments for this disease are not yet scientifically established.
Dr. Dwyer said he was concerned about smallpox in a vaccination program for its history, and that polio had nearly spread worldwide.
Taylor Winterstein is a vaccination-led activist with over 35,000 Instagram followers
Australia’s latest map showing the total number of cases and deaths by state. New South Wales and Victoria are the least affected states
He described vaccination and vaccination as & # 39 ;. The most successful medical modality ever in terms of assistance for most people.
Meanwhile, the US Centers for Disease Control has stated that there is no link between vaccines and autism.
Regarding Winterstein’s point on other treatments, Professor Dwyer stated that Vitamin C has no effect on boosting the immune system in this situation
He also says that there is currently no evidence that Trump-promoted hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment.
I have a letter from a St. Louis doctor here. They have had a terrible outbreak that has investigated hydroxychloroquine and so far there are no signs of benefit && 39; the doctor said.
D does not prove to work, and to have very annoying side effects.
D There is no hoax that this virus is responsible for our terrible epidemic.
He added it definitely worth a visit Immunological treatment uses antibodies from the blood of people who have recovered from the disease and helps the disease.
Medical experts have said that Winterstein’s claim that society ended with the disease was t presented like a common cold and then other diseases such as HIV Did not lead to && 39; really ignorant before.
Rugby League International’s Frankie Winterstein posted this picture of Toulouse’s lockdown – here he will be on the second line of the Toulouse Olympics next play: while you awake with this Lockdown is not bad if you are sitting at
Medical expert John Dwyer described issue 39 with Winterstein. Miss points about doctors fear of coronavirus-even if it shows up as a calm condition for young people, it is very contagious and can kill those who do not spread it
It is true that many young people have a very mild cold like illness && 39; he said.
The point she completely missed is that she is a person suffering from a mild illness &&& 39; passing on vulnerable people causing most deaths.
Professor Emeritus John Dwyer
In Korea, most of the deceased grandparents have died of asymptomatic births.
He added that many people died of the disease under the age of 50, and that the disease was particularly at risk for people with asthma and other underlying illnesses.
Professor Dwyer said there was & # 39. Very wrong info about corona virus crazy including cruel virus by 5G broadcast he was forced to dismiss publicly Spread what was caused.
Ms. Winterstein, born in Samoa but raised in western Sydney, was previously accused of holding a vaccination workshop at $ 200 per ticket.
She is leading an anti-vaccination protest outside Canberra’s Parliament House, and her home country of Samoa has been voiced on a similar issue.
Samoa’s health authorities accuse misinformation disseminated by unqualified figures about reduced vaccination rates prior to the outbreak of measles.
More than 1.3 million people worldwide are positive for coronavirus, with 74,565 deaths at the time of publication.
On Tuesday, she asked Ms. Winterstein for comment.
. (TagsToTranslate) Daily Mail
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