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Tippecanoe County directors are having fun with virtual morning announcements


TIPPECANOE COUNTY, ind. (WLFI) – The school looks a lot different for students across Indiana, but Tippecanoe County principals are working to maintain a sense of normalcy with a bit of a twist.

The morning announcement is that students usually start their day in the classroom, now that everything is digital, Southwestern High School Principal Sarah Gustin uses virtual videos and social media trends to help parents and students adjust to this temporary normal state. Instead of simply reading school announcements, he adds a bit of fun by dancing and lip syncing to popular TikTok videos.

“Neuroscience teaches us that relationships are so important and crucial, so I wanted to find a way to maintain that connection in the best possible way,” Gustin said.

She said her high school students love TikTok, so she thought she would enjoy using it as a tool to provide them with the information they need while keeping it.

Principal Gustin said teachers and parents are feeling the pressure of this sudden change in learning. That’s why creating something we look forward to in the foreground.

“We don’t do homeschooling right now. It’s a crisis education,” Gustin said. “This is not a situation where you, the children, the staff need to be pressured. The most important thing is that we all communicate and make this situation as positive as possible.”

Battlefield Chief John Pearl agrees. He also finds creativity with his morning announcements. The last video happened in his stable, where he was supposed to show students some animals.

“It’s a shame we don’t hang out to close any kind of closure, but when we come back in the fall, I’m sure we will have a lot of handshakes and hugs to those teachers we left so unexpectedly,” Pearl said.

Michael Pinto, principal of James Cole, said these videos are a way for students and parents to feel connected. It is also something that is fulfilled by principals.

“It allows me to scratch a little bit of the itch as far as the video is concerned, because at least I know I’m out there and I hope to connect,” Pinto said.

Even at home, these principals say that love is still there, and they hope that students will continue to follow the Tippecanoe School Corporation motto, “Treat people and do good.”

The directors send their videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Many teachers embed their own videos into virtual classrooms.

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