Los Angeles puts an end to coronavirus deaths and demands residents not go shopping
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When Coronavirus Related deaths surge Los Angeles County A “significant week” ago, health officials advised residents to stay home on Monday and not shop to limit the spread of the virus.
According to the Los Angeles Times, “If you have enough supplies at home, this week will be a week of skipping shopping altogether,” says health center director Barbara Ferrer.
Authorities confirmed 15 new coronavirus cases in the county and killed 15 people on Monday. According to data from Johns Hopkins, 6,360 cases and 147 deaths have been reported since the outbreak began.
The advisory warned President Trump of a deadly week ago when Coronavirus headquarters response coordinator Deborah Barks advised all Americans to skip food visits whenever possible. I came to
“This week will probably be the toughest week. Between this week and next week,” Trump said on Saturday at the beginning of his Coronavirus Special Forces briefing at the White House.
Among LA County’s social distance measures and more than 900 inpatients, Ferrer takes steps such as covering his mouth and nose with facecloth and keeping a distance of at least 6 feet around others. Recommended. She added, “Wash your hands often.”
“ We don’t know the boundaries and understate COVID-19, a virus that can infect people of all ages and cause serious illness and death, especially among the elderly and those with underlying illnesses I can’t evaluate it, “Ferrer says. paper.
The spike in cases may be due to an easier path to taking tests, as well as an increase in tests in the county. Approximately 52,000 people are tested in L.A. County, accounting for 40% of all statewide tests.
“This doesn’t mean running a test for everyone tomorrow, but our abilities are beyond the requirements we were demanding,” said Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garsetti. Is above. “
Meanwhile, in the city of Los Angeles, a 7% increase in the number of cases on Monday was the first single digit increase in three weeks, the paper reports. The mayor warned that the slight increase was due to fewer people working and taking tests on Sunday.
“But before we get too cocky, remember before Dr. Ferrer said,” Oh, that’s great “and” we can get away from our heads. ” . This is an important week. ” Los Angeles Times.
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At the beginning of Tuesday, California had more than 16,300 cases of COVID-19 with at least 388 deaths.
Fox News’s Marisa Schultz contributed to this report
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