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State Department releases 10-step plan to tackle ‘Chinese challenge’

State Department releases 10-step plan to tackle ‘Chinese challenge’


TThe State Department has a plan to deal with the rise of China and maintain the United States’ place as the world’s largest superpower.

A 74-page report, The elements of the Chinese challenge, was released by the agency’s policy planning staff days after the Trump administration announced it planned to step up pressure on Beijing in the coming weeks, taking steps it said would strengthen the legacy of presidents and would make the political task difficult for the president-elect. Joe Biden to reverse the course.

The plan indicated that the United States and countries around the world were increasingly aware that the Chinese Communist Party had sparked a new era of competition between the great powers and noted that the Chinese government led by Xi Jinping was modeled on on the Marxist model of the 20th century. -Leninist dictatorship. The State Department has warned that the CCP aims to fundamentally overhaul the world order, placing the People’s Republic of China at the center and serving Beijing’s authoritarian goals and hegemonic ambitions.

To meet China’s challenge, the United States must get back to basics, the State Department said. To guarantee freedom, America must overhaul its foreign policy in light of ten tasks.

First, the United States must ensure freedom at home in order to nurture the civic harmony that has always been essential to meeting the challenges of nations abroad, according to the State Department. Second, it must maintain the world’s most powerful, agile and sophisticated military while enhancing security cooperation with its allies and partners. Third, it must fortify the free, open and rules-based international order it led in creating after World War II. And fourth, the United States must reassess its alliance system and the panoply of international organizations “to examine what works and what does not.”

Speaking of which, President Trump has announced that the United States will be leaving the World Health Organization over the summer, in part due to China’s strong influence over the group. Biden’s transition website currently lists four COVID-19 priorities, economic recovery, racial equity and climate change and the coronavirus section contains a wish to return immediately to WHO. Biden wondered how hard he would be on China, given how he has played down the Chinese threat and welcomed a growing China over the years. Trump has been criticized by Biden and the Democrats for thanks Xi Jinping for his transparency at the start of the coronavirus pandemic, even as China covered it up and the country’s response was hailed by the WHO.

The State Department said that following a reassessment of its international memberships, the fifth task of the United States must be to strengthen its alliance system “while” reforming international organizations where possible and , if necessary, by building new ones. “The sixth should be to promote American interests by seeking opportunities to cooperate with Beijing subject to standards of fairness and reciprocity, constraining and deterring the PRC when circumstances demand it, and supporting those in China who seek freedom. .

Seventh, the United States must educate American citizens on the scope and implications of the Chinese challenge “to gain buy-in to the confrontation with China, according to the new report. The eighth task must be to train a new generation of officials. ..and public policy thinkers to master Chinese language, history and culture, according to the agency. On this basis, the ninth recommended task is to reform American education, empowering students to assume the enduring responsibilities of citizenship in a free and democratic society by understanding the Americas’ legacy of freedom “and preparing them for a” globalized economy in the information age.

Tenth, the United States must uphold the principles of freedom, principles both universal and at the heart of the American national spirit by example; speech; educational initiatives; Public diplomacy; foreign aid and investment; sanctions in more difficult circumstances and other forms of non-military pressure; and, where the vital interests of nations are at stake and all else has failed, military might, the State Department said.

the Global Times, a newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party, struck down the new report.

There is no new wording in the report, which can be seen as a collection of malicious remarks by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other anti-China US politicians and senators, the outlet said. Right now, the current US administration has just over 60 days left. A State Department official explained that the report is not intended to coerce the next US administration. But the point is, the State Department is concerned that the Biden administration is adjusting US-China relations, and the report’s release is part of its effort to solidify the current anti-China extreme course.

A senior administration official told the Washington Examiner that over the next several weeks, the Trump administration will continue to expand the depth and breadth of the historic actions it has taken over the past four years to protect the vital interests of the United States and its allies against Beijing’s predatory and coercive behavior. the new push could include new sanctions against Chinese government officials complicit in abuses against the Uyghurs and in Hong Kong. National Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe will soon speak publicly about what the intelligence says, including specific examples to illustrate Chinese espionage in the United States.

We want a constructive and results-oriented bilateral relationship based on equity and reciprocity. This administration has worked tirelessly to tackle trade imbalances, threats to U.S. and regional security, and other global challenges such as the current global health crisis, a State Department spokesperson told Washington Examiner asked about his new report. We are ready to work with China as long as China is willing to take concrete steps to address these challenges in a mutually beneficial manner. Either way, this administration will continue to defend American interests without apologies.

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