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Boris Johnson pledges to make UK ‘first European naval power’ and ‘spur a shipbuilding renaissance’

Boris Johnson pledges to make UK ‘first European naval power’ and ‘spur a shipbuilding renaissance’
Boris Johnson pledges to make UK ‘first European naval power’ and ‘spur a shipbuilding renaissance’


Boris Johnson pledged to restore Britain as the leading naval power in Europe by giving the green light to build a new generation of warships as part of a $ 24 billion increase in military spending .

He said the investment would spur a renaissance in UK shipbuilding employing thousands of skilled workers in all parts of the UK.

If there is one policy that makes the UK stronger in every sense of the word, it is building more ships for the Royal Navy, he said.

Mr Johnson added: We will deploy more naval assets to the most important regions of the world, protecting the shipping lanes that power our nation, and we will continue to renew our nuclear deterrent.

Defense expenditure commitment

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Chief of the Defense Staff, General Sir Nick Carter, outside the MOD headquarters (Photo: Stefan Rousseau / PA Wire)

In a Commons statement via video link, he confirmed his intention to create a national cyber force and a new space command to bolster the country’s defenses as hostile states and terrorist groups shift their focus away from traditional battlefields.

But the Prime Minister has shown his desire to rebuild the Royal Navys presence around the world as he approved plans to acquire 13 new warships to replace existing ones. The order includes eight Type 26 frigates designed to detect and respond to submarines.

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In addition, an order for three supply ships to transport food and ammunition to Royal Naval ships has been given the green light from Mr Johnson.

The aircraft carrier, HMS Queen Elizabeth, will sail to the Mediterranean, Indian Ocean and East Asia next year for exercises.

Endless lasers

The prime minister also suggested that warships and combat vehicles could be equipped with inexhaustible lasers that never run out of ammunition to take on opposing forces.

According to the Tory manifesto’s plans, military spending was to increase by around $ 8 billion over the next four years, but Johnson confirmed that an additional $ 16.5 billion was allocated, bringing the total increase to over $ 24 billion.

Outlining the reason for the multi-year settlement, he told MEPs: The international situation is now more perilous and intensely competitive than at any time since the Cold War.

Everything we do in this country, every job, every business, even the way we shop and eat, depends on a minimum of global security.

Our people are supported by a network of lifelines, oxygen lines that must be kept open to shipping lanes, a functioning internet, safe air lanes, reliable submarine cables, and the tranquility of remote straits.

But Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer said it was a spending announcement with no strategy and wondered how it would be granted. He protested that the government’s strategic priorities were not clear.

How British defenses will be overhauled

A National Cyber ​​Force will fight terrorists, organized crime groups and hostile states.

An agency dedicated to artificial intelligence will be set up with a space command capable of launching the first British rocket by 2022.

High-tech drones will be built, while warships and combat vehicles will be equipped with inexhaustible lasers.

The military research and development budget will be increased by 1.5 billion.

A new combat system will be developed for the RAF, using artificial intelligence and drone technology to defeat any opponent in air-to-air combat, while warships and combat vehicles will be equipped with lasers inexhaustible.

Britain will acquire eight Type 26 anti-submarine frigates and five Type 31 frigates, as well as three strong support ships to transport food and ammunition and will also develop a new multi-purpose research vessel.

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