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10 actors who got injured while doing their own stunts


While it is undoubtedly very cool to be an actor doing his own stunts, it is also extremely dangerous, which is why Hollywood has created a whole niche community of people. whose main responsibility when making films is to do everything that could become precious actors in cinema. kill.

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This includes things such as superhuman prowess of driving like a maniac, falling from ridiculous heights and doing wiring work that could either drop the actor from a place a little too high or cause lacerations if done incorrectly. Although stunt performers exist, actors sometimes insist on doing their own stunts in order to give an authentic performance, because they think it sounds fun, or sometimes because they did not understand the risk involved. in the activities they were about to participate in.

ten Ellen Burstyn

Ellen Burstyn on the set of 1973L & # 39; Exorcist had a bit of misfortune when she was doing wiring work. Not only did they keep the room in which the exorcism was filmed at an extremely cold temperature, so they didn't have to use too much fog and could realistically simulate the freezing breath of the actors, but there were also many other occupational hazards involved.

In one scene, Regan, the girl possessed by the demon Pazuzu, pushes her mother, played by Burstyn on the floor. As they wanted the fall to appear real, they had a wire to pull it to the ground. She landed hard the first time and told the director that she knew it must have seemed real, but she felt like she was actually going to be hurt. Apparently, it didn't matter, as Burstyn suffered lasting spinal damage.

9 Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron actually suffered some injuries while filming her films. Not only did she hurt herself during the shootingAeon Flux, but she also appeared on Jimmy Kimmel with a thumb splint on her hand after filmingThe old guard, which she said she obtained by "fighting a very big guy" on the set of the film.

While she was doing a waterfall inAeon Flux, she returned her hand and landed with all her weight on her neck after completing the maneuver, which could have paralyzed her, or worse. She eventually had to have surgery to correct her broken vertebrae.

8 Tom hanks

Tom Hanks is actually almost dead while filming Robert ZemeckisCastaway.Unfortunately, he cut his leg during filming and then fell with a rather nasty staph infection. Doctors told him that if he had been without treatment for much longer, he would likely have died.

Although the injury probably did not seem much to actor Tom Hanks who was impatient to continue filming, when he finally got medical care, he stayed in the hospital for 3 days and the filming was been arrested for three weeks because Hanks was unable to enter the water used in the film with an open wound.

seven Viggo Mortensen

Unfortunately for Viggo Mortensen in his role as Aragorn in the award-winning film by Peter JacksonThe Lord of the Rings trilogy, he was injured several times. One of the worst was when they were filming a scene where Aragorn delivered a speech of encouragement to the company he was directing outside of Mordor. The filming location was previously used by the New Zealand military for training exercises, which meant that they had to establish a safety zone that showed wherever the actors could be without detonating themselves.

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Viggo Mortensen decided to do just a little improvisation and wandered outside the safety zone. Fortunately, none of the bombs were detonated, but he could very well have died. He also had a black eye when trying to learn how to surf on a day off after filming. Oh, and there is also the time when he chipped a tooth while filming the Battle of Helm & # 39; s Deep and asked if he could just stick it to finish the scene.

6 Leonardo DiCaprio

During the filming of Quentin TarantinoDjango Unchained, Leonardo DiCaprio had to do certain things with which he may not have been comfortable to adapt to his role. The injury he suffered on set has really nothing to do with this scene or with scenes that seem to have been particularly physically demanding.

While punching a fist on a table, a shot glass that was there started to slide slowly under his hand, which can be assumed because the table may have been tilted. He was so full of character that when he broke the glass with his fist, causing a good amount of blood to spray, he stayed in the character long after the scene was cut.

5 Bruce Willis

During the filming of what may have ended up being one of his most recognizable roles in the filmDie hard, Bruce Willis had to fire a pistol that had been loaded with extremely noisy blanks in a fairly enclosed space. He was under a table. Who thought it was a good idea, we are not really sure, but this had consequences that lasted a bit for the film star.

After pulling the blanks, he lost a good 2/3 of his hearing in the left ear. He also didn't wear earplugs. Honestly, there is a good chance that Bruce Willis likely suffered lasting hearing damage after this exploit.

4 Harrison Ford

Harrison Ford didn't even really want to come back for the new trilogy ofStar Warsmovies. Unfortunately for him, he probably shouldn't have. When he was shooting forthe force awakens, he got his leg caught in the door of the interior of the Millennium Falcon model that was used in the film.

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This led him to sue the production company behind the film, which he honestly was completely justified because he ended up breaking his leg. Imagine having the good manners that Ford had to return to and being in a small streak of the franchise to which you contributed the most, only to break your leg. Poor Harrison.

3 Jackie chan

The research on this one was actually quite difficult, but not for the reason you might think. Jackie Chan broke his nose at least 7 times while filming his films. Other injuries include concussions, broken hips, knocked out his teeth, got badly burned, lacerated his eye, and did just about everything else that was painful for his body, other than dying. which you might think.

In fact, he was injured at least 15 times in some serious enough way or another from 1975 to 1985. Fortunately, once he was famous and made a name for himself, he seemed that his injuries had become less frequent, but he never slowed down. to do their own stunts.

2 Michael J. Fox

Michael J. Fox is well known as an actor who was tragically diagnosed with Parkinson's at the height of his career in 1991, trying for years to hide it from the public. Although this actor has shown that he can do a lot despite his diagnosis, he has also had problems with other medical problems in his history.

After about the sixth take, Michael was tired and he started to miscalculate when he had to put his hands in a noose since Zemeckis had removed the box on which he was originally standing because he didn't like the look of the blow. At the 7th take, Michael missed and the noose was tight around his neck for about 30 seconds before anyone realized what had happened, which led Michael J. Fox to s & # 39; 39; faint.

1 Ruby rose

Ruby Rose as Kate Kane aka Batwoman in Crisis on Infinite Earths

Television star Ruby Rose suffered an unfortunate accident involving two herniated discs in the spine while she was filmingBat girl. For those who don't know about this injury, don't be fooled by the frequency with which it is mentioned in the media.

The herniated discs that Rose suffered from put her at risk of becoming paralyzed in one of the most horrible ways you can imagine, cutting her spinal cord. Yes.

NEXT: 10 times the waterfalls were impossible to notice (and 10 times they were super obvious)

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