WATCH: Actor Matthew McConaughey delivers special message to Jimmie Johnson

After two decades, Jimmie Johnson is finally hanging up his NASCAR boots. To make things even sweeter, sport pays homage to him with one of the highest sporting accolades. It turns out that the seven-time champion received the Bill France Award of Excellence.
For the uninitiated, this award recognizes people who have had a huge impact on sport. It should be noted that this is not an annual award, so Johnson joins the likes of Jeff Gordon, Dale Earnhardt Jr., Joe Gibbs, Richard Childress and Roger Penske. In addition, he also received a special message from Hollywood actor, Matthew McConaughey.
The interstellar star said, “When it comes to NASCAR Championships, it’s the numbers, but Jimmie Johnson isn’t a statistic. You can’t measure what this man brought to the sport with just a number. He put the pedal to the metal every week. He made his heart roll and gave us so many unforgettable moments. In triumph or defeat, he always exuded the class that made us proud to be fans of this great sport.
The actor went on to insist that Jimmie Johnson truly embodies the role of a champion. This includes being a family man, friend and role model. As a starting note, McConaughey congratulated the NASCAR legend on his career.
Jimmie Johnson was really thrilled to receive the award
NASCAR Vice President Ben Kennedy presented the trophy to Johnson at the 2020 NASCAR Awards Show. The touched driver admitted he was truly honored to receive the award. He also thanked the France family for their own contributions to NASCAR.

Jimmie Johnson confessed that he never expected to receive the award. However, he knew that this particular distinction was extremely important and the seriousness of being the recipient.
Looking at the stats, # 48 driver Hendrick Motorsports has won 83 races and seven titles. The latter links him to NASCAR Hall of Fame members Richard Petty and Dale Earnhardt. However, Johnson’s five straight titles are a record exclusive to him.
READ MORE – NASCAR star Danica Patrick reveals how Jimmie Johnson helped her overcome Daytona disappointment
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