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Post-earthquake building replicates the grand house and wins the Master Builders Grand Prize

Post-earthquake building replicates the grand house and wins the Master Builders Grand Prize
Post-earthquake building replicates the grand house and wins the Master Builders Grand Prize



The new home in Christchurch is an exact replica of the 1912 house lost by earthquakes. Steve Brown Builders won the Master Builders Canterbury Supreme New Home Award.

Christchurch has seen a wealth of contemporary architectural projects over the past few years, as the city has been aggressively rebuilt after earthquakes. But not all rebuild heads go in this direction.

Master Builders Canterbury Supreme New Home award winner is a house that doesn’t look like new. It’s a big house, built by Steve Brown Builders, that recreates everything lost in earthquakes.

In other words, the owners have taken their old home back again – right down to the reference to brickwork, high screw, stained glass, and chimneys.


All the architectural features of the original home have been recreated – with all the advantages of modern building practices and insulation.

The governors of Canterbury Master Builders said the rebuilding of heritage architecture is taking place on an “unprecedented scale”.

Read more: * The mega-composite building is the first regional winner for the Master Builders House of the Year * The Closeburn Station House with stacked rock walls is the Southern Winner Master Builders * A replica villa that wows the rulers of Master Builders in Waikato

“The repetition and reinterpretation of traditional and craftsmanship construction methods are shown in the complete rebuilding of a grand house of 1912. From the indication of traditional brick and stone masonry, to intricate veneered roofs and expansive wood panels, this home has been subtly recreated to suit the glory of its previous predecessor and more.”

Rulers said the building was “the bounty of an enthusiastic and committed homeowner, and a builder who went above and beyond in striving for excellence in building this unique history.”

The house also won the Regional Special Award, the Resene New Home Prize over $ 2 million, and the Craftsman Prize.

Canterbury Disease Superior Regeneration Award

The winner of the Canterbury High Prize for restoration has been a home that has already won a number of architectural awards this year. Rulers have described the rebuilding of a former government house on the hills above Lyttelton, by Browntown Builders, as a “subtle renovation and addition” and a “unique amalgamation of the present with the new.”

Catherine Thomas

Browntown Builders’ renovation of a former government house in the hills above Lyttelton won the Canterbury Supreme Renovation Award.

“The bespoke home (by architect Michael O’Sullivan) is one of the contradictions, attached to a linear staircase that connects the realistic and intimate scope of the existing home to the new, light-filled living areas.

Browntown Builders offered an initiative in addressing methodological and site accessibility issues. It was through recycling of recovered materials and into the unique, imaginative detailing and finishing of complex shapes. “

The house also won a renovation prize of between $ 500,000 and $ 1 million.

Catherine Thomas

The interior of the addition is lined with natural wood.

Other award winners: Greenland Construction Limited, winner of the New Home $ 1.5M – $ 2M category and a McKenzie & Willis Interior Design Award, for a home in Christchurch Paul Reed Homes Energy Saver Homes, winner of the Carter New Home $ 1M – $ 1.5Million category For a home in Christchurch

Catherine Thomas

California Homes South Division won the Altus Window Systems New Home $ 750K-1M category for this home in Christchurch.

LM Built Limited, New Home Class Winner $ 600,000- $ 750,000, for a home in Starvation Hill Matt Harrison Construction Limited, New Home Class winner of $ 450,000- $ 600,000, for a home in Rolleston SC Projects Limited Winner of New Home up to $ 450,000 for a home in Christchurch DRH Building Limited, Builder’s Own Home Award winner, for a home in Christchurch


DNA Structures Limited, a GIB Show Home Award winner, for a home in Waimakariri

DNA Structures Limited, a GIB Show Home Award winner, for a home in Waimakariri Peter Ray Homes Limited, Category / Group Housing New Home, $ 450,000 – $ 750,000, for a home in Christchurch Today Homes Limited, winner in Volume / New home for collective housing up to $ 450,000, for a home in Lincoln volume / collective housing New home up to $ 450,000 Brownie Building, holder of a major 10-year construction guarantee (apartments / duplexes / terraces) New home category, for a house In Christchurch

Wayne Hutchinson

AJ Scott Construction won over $ 1 million in Bunnings Renovation Award for this Waiau home. The project required 18 months of meticulous dismantling of all ornate features and skilled reconstruction of heritage details, including the reconstruction of six fireplaces and 10 fireplaces.

AJ Scott Construction Limited, Winner of a $ 1M Bunnings Renovation Award, for a home in Waiau Urbane Construction, winner for a $ 500,000 renovation award, for a home in Waimakariri Fleetwood Construction Limited, Kitchen Excellence Award winner In the Global Bath in Plumbing and Excellence Award in Outdoor Living, for a home in Christchurch Caen Construction Ltd., winner of the APL Sustainable Excellence Award for a home in Christchurch


Three homes were the recipients of the highest honors at the 2019 Master Builder House Registered Awards.

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