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What happens to your body after being infected with the coronavirus?

What happens to your body after being infected with the coronavirus?


COVID-19, a disease caused by the coronavirus, begins in the respiratory tract. It’s the airway between your mouth, nose, throat, and lungs. It’s the same place as a common cold attack.But COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears It is more likely to penetrate deep into the airways, including the lungs. Read again- Coronavirus: This new method can identify a single virus particle

When your body finds Virus, Your immune system will fight back. One of the signs is fever. You may also cough. It is the normal reaction of your body to something that should not be in the airways. Read again- “60-70% of the population must be immune to control COVID-19 virus infection.”

There is still much we don’t know about the new coronavirus, which affects millions of people around the world. So, in this article, let’s see what it does to your body right after it infects you. Read again- Prime Minister Modi visits three COVID-19 vaccine centers today to get a first-hand view of development

How does the coronavirus attack your body?

The virus that has caused havoc in humans has a very unique way to infect you. Wondering how it gets into your body? Now, there are many studies that have answered this question, but you need to know that this virus infects your body by invading healthy cells. There, the intruder makes a copy of itself and propagates throughout your body. Coronavirus latches its pointed surface proteins into receptors in healthy cells, especially the lungs. Specifically, viral proteins rupture into cells via the ACE2 receptor. Once inside, Coronavirus hijacking Take commands with healthy cells. Ultimately, it kills some of the healthy cells.

How does the coronavirus move through your body?

The virus then begins to move throughout the body. How does that happen? Let’s dig into it.

The virus begins with a cough, sneeze, or droplet from the breath of an infected person. They can be in the air or on a touching surface before touching the eyes, nose, or mouth. It gives the virus passage through the mucous membranes of the throat. Within 2-14 days Immune system You may react with the following symptoms:

  • heat
  • cough
  • Shortness of breath or dyspnea
  • Malaise
  • Chills with occasional shaking
  • Body pain
  • headache
  • sore throat
  • Stuffy nose or runny nose.
  • Loss of taste
  • Loss of odor
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • diarrhea

What happens when a virus enters your body?

When Coronavirus enters your body First, it binds to two cells in the lung, the goblet cells that produce mucus and the ciliated cells that have hair. The function of these cells is to keep the lungs safe from external dust and pollution. They usually prevent the lungs from filling with debris and liquids such as viruses, bacteria, dust and pollen particles.

After entering the body, the coronavirus attacks these cells and begins to kill them. As a result, the lungs begin to fill with fluid, making it difficult to breathe. Studies show that this particular stage of the disease lasts about a week.

At this point, your immune system begins to attack and repel the invader coronavirus. It is during this time that you have a fever. It also begins to remove mucus in the form of a cough or runny nose.

However, in some people, especially the elderly and other healthy people, the immune system can overdrive. Not only does it kill the virus, it also begins to kill healthy cells.

Now because you know what actually happens in your body COVID-19 virus enter. It is also important to understand how it affects your lungs and other organs.

Coronavirus affects the lungs

When a virus enters the body, many things happen. COVID-19 is a respiratory diseaseTherefore, the lungs are usually affected first. In many cases, the virus stops in the respiratory tract. However, while the virus further sneaks into the lungs, hijacks cells and regenerates itself, it causes inflammation, causing serious conditions such as pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and the lungs harden and become fluid. May be satisfied.

Early symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. These appear 2 or 14 days after exposure to the virus.

Other organs affected by the coronavirus

The lungs are the major organs affected by COVID-19. However, in severe cases, the rest of the body can also be affected. According to doctors, a significant proportion of patients with severe illness also develop dysfunction in other organ systems. This damage to organs is not necessarily caused directly by the infection, but it can result from the body’s reaction to the infection.

Coronavirus affects the stomach and intestines

As discussed, the lungs are most affected by viral infections. However, some COVID-19 patients also report gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and nausea.

Coronavirus and its effects on the heart and blood cells

Yes, the virus can also have devastating effects on the heart and blood cells. There are no confirmed studies that can reveal the effects of the virus on the heart or blood cells. According to health experts, possible symptoms of a viral infection that affects the heart and blood cells are arrhythmias, insufficient blood to reach the tissues, or low blood pressure that requires medication.

How to stay safe?

The best thing you can do to stop the virus is to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. Touch your face and other body parts, especially before eating. Always carry a hand sanitizer and wear a high quality mask to protect yourself. Also, do not use the same mask twice. You can use a cotton mask to wash it off as soon as you get home. Alternatively, you can get some face masks to use and throw.

When the virus touches the nose, eyes, or mouth, it is most likely to enter the body through one’s contaminated hands. Therefore, keeping your hands clean is very important. Also, try to maintain a social distance. Try to eat healthy and include vitamin C-rich affairs and vegetables in your diet. why? Because this can boost your immunity and help your body stay safe from the new coronavirus.

Published: November 28, 2020 11:01 am | Updated: November 28, 2020 11:02 am

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