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An outbreak of bird flu on a UK farm leads to the slaughter of 10,000 turkeys

An outbreak of bird flu on a UK farm leads to the slaughter of 10,000 turkeys


10,500 turkeys are killed (Photo: Getty Images)

More than 10,000 turkeys will be killed after another outbreak of bird flu has been confirmed on a farm in the United Kingdom.

After the bird flu was confirmed, the birds will be culled on the premises of North Yorkshire, confirmed by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Areas (Defra).

In the statement, he said: ‘H5N8 strain of bird flu was confirmed on Saturday, November 28, at a turkey fattening facility near Norther Larton.

“All 10,500 birds on the farm are humanely disposed of to limit the spread of the disease. Temporary controlled areas of 3km and 10km around the site of infection to limit the risk of spreading the disease. Was installed.

According to the statement, the supply of turkeys and other birds is not expected to be affected during Christmas.

Bird flu can spread to humans, but only in very rare cases does it never spread with H5N8.

Most other strains have never infected humans, according to experts, but according to the NHS, there are four strains that have raised some concerns in recent years.

The Public Health Services (PHE) and the Food Standards Agency have also moved to reassure carnivores that bird flu poses a very low risk to people and that properly cooked poultry products, including eggs, are safe. It was.

Chickens and other birds are also affected by the outbreak in Europe (Photo: Getty Images)

This is the latest in a series of bird flu horrors in the UK, Virus threat rises from “low” to “medium” Then in a few weeks it will reach the height of the country.

Almost in early November 500 birds in Kent slaughtered after H5N2 outbreak..The next day, the government further 13,500 animals killed after H5N8 is detected in Cheshire..

A A third outbreak of H5N8 was also detected in chickens in Herefordshire the same week...

And yesterday A series of British swan deaths was associated with outbreaks of bird flu throughout Europe..

The mother who killed her six children was released after half of her 17-year sentence Photo: Enterprise News and Photos

A mother who killed six children in a house fire will be released eight years later

Meanwhile, the Dutch ordered the disposal of 48,000 chickens earlier this month, fearing that bird flu could spread throughout Europe.

Christine Middlemis, the UK’s chief veterinarian who advises the government on animal welfare, said “immediate measures” were taken to prevent the spread of the disease when it was found on the farm on Saturday.

She added: ‘Bird zookeepers need to pay attention to signs of illness, report suspicious illnesses immediately and ensure that they maintain good biosecurity on their premises.

“We are urgently looking for evidence of an epidemic of disease associated with this farm in order to control and eliminate it.”

Dr. Gavin Dabrera, a consultant for acute respiratory infections at PHE, said the World Health Organization has never identified a case of the avian influenza strain (H5N8) in humans.

He said:’As a precautionary measure, the local health protection team provides regular health advice to people working on the farm. We work with Defra to closely monitor the situation. “

Further investigation is underway to find the most probable cause of this latest outbreak.

Wild birds migrating from mainland Europe during the winter can spread the disease to poultry and other captive birds.

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