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University of Alberta researchers demand state-wide mask mandate and shutdown

University of Alberta researchers demand state-wide mask mandate and shutdown
University of Alberta researchers demand state-wide mask mandate and shutdown


Tucson, Arizona — The current surge due to the outbreak of the coronavirus can be a disaster for hospitals that could be catastrophic unless measures are taken, such as ordering Arizona to stay home for three weeks and implementing state-wide mask orders. University researchers said it would pose a crisis.

Without such a procedure, a member of the University of Arizona’s COVID modeling team said in a letter to the State Health Department on Friday that “it’s like facing a large wildfire without an evacuation order.” Stated. The team has been tracking the outbreak since last spring.

Other steps recommended by the team include providing financial assistance to affected SMEs and families and preventing evictions and foreclosures.

Many local governments have imposed mask obligations since Governor Doug Ducey lifted the ban on such orders last summer. Local obligations cover an estimated 90% of the state’s population, but are loosely enforced or do not exist in some locations. As a state-wide measure, the modeling team wrote, “Ensuring consistency and strengthening compliance.”

Early in the outbreak, Ducey closed schools, many businesses and other facilities, but subsequently relaxed restrictions, leading to a surge in the virus that made Arizona a national hotspot last summer.

Today, as in many states, Arizona cases and hospitalizations are skyrocketing again in the wake of school and business resumption and malaise due to coronavirus restrictions.

Researchers at Arizona State University on November 19 predicted that hospitals in the state would exceed their capacity unless action was taken.

While not imposing a new general shutdown obligation again, Ducey is requesting a mask at school and taking steps to assist the hospital. He also repeatedly urged Arizonas to wear masks and take other precautions to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Senator Martin Kesada of D-Phoenix has approved the recommendations of the modeling team. “State leaders need to have political courage and protect public health by enacting it now,” he said on Twitter. “These are not unreasonable demands.”

Asked for comment on the first reported modeling team letter KNXV-TVSteve Elliott, a spokesman for the Department of Health Services, said the agency is viewing university forecasts and monitoring information from hospitals, community health departments and other sources.

“We are vigilant,” Elliott said in an email, adding that mitigations such as restrictions on business occupancy are still being implemented.

Dr. Cara Christ, director of the Department of Homeland Security, said in a video on Friday that Arizona is facing considerable expansion and that the holidays “may expand further” on holidays.

“All indicators continue to go in the wrong direction,” she said. “Simply put, people are less alert.”

The states reported on Saturday reported 4,136 known COVID-19 cases and 36 deaths, increasing the state’s total to 322,774 and 6,624 deaths.

Coronavirus-related hospitalizations continue to increase, reaching 2,383 as of Friday, including 553 patients in intensive care unit beds, according to the state dashboard.

According to data from the COVID Follow-up Project and Johns Hopkins University, daily new cases, daily deaths, and a 7-day moving average of positive COVID-19 tests in Arizona have all increased over the past two weeks.

The daily average of new cases increased from 2,116 on November 13 to 3,849 on Friday, the average daily mortality increased from 21.1 to 23, and the average positive rate increased from 14.7% to 19.3%.

In Pima County, the total number of cases of coronavirus has now reached 39,859, The death toll is now 691..

The largest Tucson Unified School District in southern Arizona Canceled the rest of the high school football season Due to a surge.Many schools in the Tucson area Return to virtual learning It helps to reduce the spread.Also in college Move all face-to-face classes online Until January after Thanksgiving holidays.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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