Google Doodle celebrates world holidays in December
![Google Doodle celebrates world holidays in December Google Doodle celebrates world holidays in December](
Today is the first day of December, and to celebrate the holiday season, Google is running a series of Doodles celebrating many of the holidays happening around the world.
Today’s global Google Doodle is specifically labeled “Day 1” of the “December Holiday” series, with birds jumping in to decorate the regular Google logo with holiday lights. Being “Day 1” means that Google may have plans to shake the design as the moon progresses.
Every year, Google hosts a variety of festivals to help celebrate your favorite New Year holidays, including Christmas celebrations, Hanukkah homes, Festivus spirit, and all the traditions in between. This latest Google Doodle recommends searching for different holidays around the world this December. This is a reminder that there are various holidays around the world.
With that in mind, let’s take a quick look at some of the more famous December holidays that are happening worldwide. First, from December 10th of this year, Hanukkah, traditionally held on the 25th of the month of Kislev in the Jewish calendar, is an eight-day celebration of the story of miraculous preparation. Every night, another candle is lit on the main branch candlestick, and gifts may be exchanged at the same time.
From December 21st to January 1st, many people celebrate Yule, a holiday with over a thousand years of history and tradition. Many of them laid the foundation for what many today know as a Christmas tradition. Every year, Yule is set to start on the day of the winter solstice.
Every year on December 23, Seinfeld fans gather around an aluminum pole to participate in the “Airing of Grievances” and celebrate Festivus. It’s easy to imagine that in a year like 2020, people will have quite a few complaints about the air. Festivus became popular in 1997, but has been a family tradition of creators for over 30 years.
In most parts of the world, Christmas takes place on December 25th and serves Christians as a celebration of the birth of Jesus, but many others use it as an opportunity to give thanks to friends and family. I’m catching it. Interestingly, in some traditions around the world, Christmas is not a December holiday, but it actually ends on January 6, 7, or January 19.
On December 26th, many people in the United States and around the world celebrate Kwanzaa, a holiday rooted in African heritage. First celebrated in 1966, Kwanzaa is a seven-day holiday, focusing daily on one of the Guzosaba or the “Seven Principles of African Heritage.” Celebrities also mark Kwanzaa with Kinara, a special candlestick with seven candles, one each day.
Also, Boxing Day, December 26th, is a long-standing holiday commonly held in parts of the British-influenced world, with two different meanings to “boxing.” In one tradition, Boxing Day is the day when the church opens the alms and gives money to the poor. In a recent tradition, some employers give workers a “Christmas box” on Boxing Day to celebrate last year’s good work. But most of the time, Boxing Day is an excuse to visit a large family or watch a lot of football.
Finally, on December 31st, we can all celebrate New Year’s Eve as the last day of the year, and the next day we can finally put off 2020. In Japan, this is celebrated as a misoka, and friends and family often gather for New Year’s soba and “year-old noodles.”
Other Google Doodle:
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