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Financing and COVID-19, obstacles in the fight against malaria

Financing and COVID-19, obstacles in the fight against malaria
Financing and COVID-19, obstacles in the fight against malaria


The World Health Organization (WHO) said Monday that progress in malaria decline has slowed in recent years. Authorities recorded more than 400,000 people reported to have died again from the disease last year.

Health agency World Malaria Report 2020 Its progress on mosquito-borne diseases is increasing. African countries had the highest number of cases and deaths.

Global tabulation of Malaria infection It is reported to be 229 million in 2019 and has been at the same pace for the past four years.

Meanwhile, in the last two years, the once rapidly declining mortality rate has virtually stopped.

The disease killed 411,000 in 2018 and 409,000 in 2019 after a slow decline from 736,000 in 2000.

“To change the global trajectory of the disease and achieve internationally agreed goals, better targeting of interventions, new tools, and increased funding are needed,” said WHO. statement..

Malaria in Rakhine State, Burma

(Photo: Paula Bronstein / Getty Images)
SITTWE MYANMAR-May 4: On May 4, 2009, a Rohingya boy is watching a malaria drug administered to a patient at a malaria specialty clinic in Sittwe (Burma), Arakan, Myanmar. The majority of treated patients belong to the Rohingya Muslim minority, who live in the Sittwe Muslim neighborhood. The situation in the Rohingya in Arakan has worsened since December 2008 after international media began to emphasize the plight of Rohingya boat people, who have been subject to strict government movement restrictions, religious persecution, and blackmail. There is. Rohingya are physically, linguistically and culturally similar to South Asians, especially the Chittagongs of Bangladesh. According to the United Nations Development Program 2008 Survey (UNDP), the Burmese government spends only 0.3% of its gross domestic product on health, the lowest amount in the world. Malaria, which is relatively easy to treat, is one of the largest murderers in Burma due to the lack of affordable, good diagnostics and drugs. Last year, more than 220,000 malaria patients were treated at the Arakan State Capitol clinic, run by an aid organization, doubling the number of cases during the monsoon season. Many low-income people living in poverty-stricken rural areas cannot even afford to eat a day. Poor people suffer the most in Burma because they cannot afford to pay for medical care.

Calling an action

The UN health agency said the budget deficit faces a “serious threat” and is only $ 3 billion of the $ 5.6 billion target raised in 2019.

WHO added that the lack of funding has created a significant gap in access to proven malaria control tools.

Countries have recently begun to implement customized responses focused on regional data and information rather than a unified strategy to continue to put pressure on malaria.

Africa accounts for more than 90 percent of the epidemic burden. Last year the continent accounted for an unprecedented 384,000 deaths from malaria.

“It’s time for leaders in Africa and around the world to face the challenge of malaria again,” said Tedros Adhanom Gebreyes, Director General of WHO.

“Through joint action and a commitment to leave no one behind, we can achieve a common vision of a malaria-free world,” said former Ethiopian Health Minister.

In 2019, four countries accounted for almost half of all malaria cases worldwide.

  • Nigeria (27 percent)
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo (12%)
  • Uganda (5%)
  • Mozambique (5%) (4%)

COVID-19 problem

A WHO study showed that despite the entire coronavirus pandemic, some malaria prophylaxis efforts proceeded without significant delay.

However, there was fear that attempts to combat disease flattening could hinder more benefits from continuation. COVID-19 crisis..

Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Africa Regional Director, said COVID-19 could further upset efforts to overcome malaria, especially the treatment of malaria patients.

Despite Covid-19’s devastating impact on the African economy, Moeti has helped international partners and countries secure resources to expand their malaria programs and make such a difference. , Said that more needs to be done.

The WHO said that even a slight interruption in access to antimalarial therapy could lead to serious loss of life.

The study showed that disruption of 10% access to adequate health care in sub-Saharan Africa could contribute to an additional 19,000 deaths.

Global improvement

According to a survey, 21 countries have prevented malaria in the last 20 years.

Outside of Africa, India has made remarkable progress over the past two years, reducing cases by 18% and deaths by 20%.

He added that the six major Mekong countries in Southeast Asia have made significant progress towards their malaria eradication goals by 2030 as the risk of antimalarial resistance continues.

From 2000 to 2019, the number of cases of malaria identified in the subregion decreased by 90%.

Read again: Coronavirus survivors are twice as likely to develop mental illness-study

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