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A record 100,000 Americans are currently hospitalized with COVID-19

A record 100,000 Americans are currently hospitalized with COVID-19


Currently, more than 100,000 Americans COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appearsSevere record for three consecutive weeks: Every day since November 9, more Americans have been hospitalized than at the peak of the first wave of the virus, and more hospitalizations have been seen each day.

According to the report, hospital occupancy peaked at 59,924 on April 15 this spring. Data provided by Atlantic COVID tracking project. The record was retained until November 10, when 62,059 people were hospitalized in the United States. Since then, that number has been steadily increasing every day.

Of the 100,226 people currently hospitalized, 19,396 are in the intensive care unit and 6,855 are on ventilator.

Dead (number) Be sure to follow.. The daily death toll is already close to 2,500, comparable to the worst seen in April.

Health officials are struggling to increase capacity as hospitals are once again in jeopardy and staff are dangerously thin.

“Hospitals across the country are worried about their capabilities every day,” said Dr. Ameshua Dalha, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Health Security Center. Told the Associated Press, “And we haven’t actually entered even the winter season and haven’t seen the effects of Thanksgiving trips and Thanksgiving gatherings.”

Adalja said the virus surge was different from the hotspots we saw earlier this year. This time, due to simultaneous outbreaks in vast areas of the country, resources, including doctors and nurses, cannot simply be reassigned from elsewhere.

In North Dakota World’s highest COVID-19 mortality rate In mid-November, a desperate hospital sought to seduce a traveling nurse with a salary of over $ 8,000 a week.

“Nurses quit, join a traveling nursing company, work in another hospital on the street, and double or triple the rate,” says Jordan Sorenson, project manager for the Utah Hospital Association. Told to NBC News.. “So it’s really a kind of robbery-Peter to Pay-Paul staffing situation.”

Dr. Joseph Baron hugs and comforts patients in the COVID-19 intensive care unit on Thanksgiving Day at United Memorial M

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Dr. Joseph Baron hugs and comforts patients in the COVID-19 intensive care unit on Thanksgiving Day at the United Memorial Medical Center in Houston, Texas.

Data collected by the US Department of Health and Human Services “Protection” system show Although 13.64% of all inpatients in the United States are occupied by COVID-19 patients and 68.02%, or 484,736 beds, are totally full, the accuracy of these numbers is highly controversial.

In a survey by Science Magazine in November HHS protects data in a very inconsistent way After the Trump administration and the White House Coronavirus Task Force in July, the CDC was forced to hand over COVID-19 tracking responsibility to a private contractor.

Over the past two months, total HHS Protect data tracking COVID-19 inpatients have been off by more than 20% in 30 states compared to state-provided data. Academic journal found..

The discrepancy is causing real life and death problems as health authorities are trying to accurately distribute scarce resources. In Wisconsin, for example, HHS Protect data showed that 71% of state beds were full on November 16th, while another system occupied 91%.

“HHS Protect data is of poor quality, inconsistent with state reports, and analysis has failed,” a CDC source told Science, who demanded anonymity for fear of retaliation from the Trump administration. “And the pressure on the hospital [from COVID-19] I’m passing through the roof. “

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