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CDC Advisor on COVID-19 Vaccine Priority Group and Why Some Don’t Want to Be First: Coronavirus UpdateExBulletin

CDC Advisor on COVID-19 Vaccine Priority Group and Why Some Don’t Want to Be First: Coronavirus UpdateExBulletin


Yaquelin De La Cruz holds the COVID-19 vaccine during a clinical trial in August at the Research Center of America in Hollywood, Florida.

Chandan Kanna via Getty Images / AFP

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Chandan Kanna via Getty Images / AFP

Yaquelin De La Cruz holds the COVID-19 vaccine during a clinical trial in August at the Research Center of America in Hollywood, Florida.

Chandan Kanna via Getty Images / AFP

For those who are fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, and those who have been hit hardest by it, the vaccines could be just a few weeks away as the Food and Drug Administration is considering urgent approval of the two vaccines. there is.On Tuesday, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Advisory Board released the first vaccine Healthcare workers and residents and long-term care facility staff..

The companies behind the two vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, have their vaccines 95% And 94% Each is effective. But some of the potential frontline professors at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston said they didn’t want to go first. Vaccination Implementation Advisory Board That made the recommendations.

“We’ve heard a lot of hesitation among healthcare professionals, and I think many of them are related to the political nature of vaccine development and the overall response to the pandemic,” says Harris. Atmar says Texas County Hospital System.

In a compressed test and approval timeline, “We’re starting to educate our staff to explain exactly what the process was like and to make sure there were no skipped steps.” He says. Taking everything into account..

“But because of the seriousness of the pandemic (one person dies every minute in the United States), it is very important to take effective measures to prevent the disease.”

In an excerpt from an interview, Atmar discusses hesitation among front-line healthcare professionals and the decision to include older people in the top priority group.

Let’s start with the recommendations. It makes sense that healthcare professionals need access first. Are there any concerns about getting it for the second group of older people, perhaps the sick? Are you wondering if there is enough data to show that it (a) works and (b) is safe in the population?

I think that was the main concern that ACIP considered. … the problem is that this is a group that has not been specifically studied in previous clinical trials. Influenza vaccine studies have also shown that caregiver residents tend to be less responsive to the vaccine than other individuals.So there are some concerns that it may not work, but at least some protection, and the burden of illness, and especially it makes sense to think of it. 40% of deaths in the U.S. occur in long-term care facilities, I really insist on trying to do so if there is a way we can protect them.

Do you still have open questions about any of the major vaccine candidates that need to be answered before vaccination of a colleague?

I would like to check the data, especially the safety data. We know that individuals have some side effects. Knowing the exact expected response can reassure the vaccinated individual.

If you’re hesitant from healthcare professionals and front-line people, how do you think you’ll convince other parts of Texas, the wider population?

Many of the healthcare professionals I spoke to who expressed concern to me did not necessarily want to join the first group, even if the first group was prioritized, but how they did Friends and colleagues respond to the vaccine. I understand that it is a human nature, but to show confidence in the vaccine and the entire review and approval process, if either vaccine becomes available and recommended by ACIP, it will be a model. I’m definitely planning to be.

Andrea Sue and Jolly Myers produced and edited the audio interview. Maureen Pao has adapted it to the web.

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