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COVID-19 pandemic is more dangerous for veterans and former industrial workers


Gregory A. Cade

Only weeks have passed since we really started to realize the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) and the impact of the hospital, but we are facing great pressure to keep up with the ongoing demand for healthcare services. However, in the midst of this crisis, there is probably a group of people who need to be protected from the possibility of infection by a new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), more than anyone. Who received toxic exposure due to veterans and former industrial workers, especially due to the nature of their work? Most of the people participating in this group are not only elderly, but may also suffer from severe chronic respiratory illness, or even various types of cancer, especially lung cancer.

Why are veterans and former industrial workers more vulnerable in the COVID-19 pandemic?

Like other stakeholders, I’ve read a lot about coronavirus outbreaks every day over the past few weeks, with increasing expectations for finding signs of first aid. Nevertheless, it seems likely that you will have to fight this invisible enemy over the coming months, the worst part is that it will hit us where it hurts the most. On the other hand, supplies and medical staff are scarce.

Even if you are young and healthy, you do not need to be ill and hospitalized. Needless to say, if you already have a chronic disease. My job often involves people who suffer from life-threatening conditions such as lung cancer, testicular cancer, asthma, and COPD, and have been exposed to respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The thoughts they think as others are shattered.

Just working, thousands of people are exposed to harmful substances that can cause chronic and life-threatening diseases such as lung cancer. We call this occupational exposure, which can occur in a wide range of industries that suggest a variety of toxic substances. Some of the most common industrial workers who are often diagnosed with chronic illness include paper mill workers, mining workers, chemical factory workers, steel industry workers, construction workers, textile industry workers or automobiles. I am a worker.

Veterans from various branches of the U.S. Army, especially the Navy, may have been exposed to large amounts of asbestos and may have developed various types of cancer and lung disease.

These can also be very different with regard to the toxic substances that triggered the disease. However, some of the most frequent cases of toxic exposure are related to:

-asbestos: A toxic naturally occurring mineral that is highly used in most industries until 1980.

-AFFF (Or aqueous film-forming foam) This is a fire extinguisher foam that is known as a carcinogen and contains PFAS chemicals that can cause testicular, kidney, neuroendocrine, and pancreatic cancer.

-Coke oven emissions: Above all, those who worked in industries related to steel, coal tar, iron aluminum, or construction are exposed to large amounts of coke oven emissions that are easy to inhale and can cause lung, prostate, or kidney cancer. May have been

Toxic gases: Such materials are encountered in a wide range of industries, including the automotive, welding and gas industries. When inhaled, these fumes can cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung or kidney cancer, and other respiratory diseases. –

PCB or polychlorinated biphenyl: During the past decades, there have been many uses, especially as coolants or insulators. Exposure to these chemicals has been linked to liver, respiratory and skin conditions.

Industrial workers and veterans who have been exposed to such substances and have developed chronic illnesses have been exposed to corona, primarily because the immune system is already at risk and faced with serious disease. The risk of a virus pandemic increases. Due to the low efficacy of the body’s defense mechanisms, developing COVID-19 is susceptible to complications such as respiratory failure and pneumonia. These people are vulnerable and require constant care and enhanced protection to avoid transmission of the new coronavirus.

Protective measures for people with underlying illness during COVID-19 outbreak

Because they represent risk groups, workers who have received occupational exposure and are currently struggling with chronic illnesses need to thoroughly adopt the recommendations issued by health authorities.

● Wash your hands frequently

● Surface disinfection of frequently used objects

● Respect for the rules of social distance

These additional precautions can help further limit coronavirus exposure if the person also continues to treat the underlying condition.

● Avoid places where interaction with sick people is likely to occur, such as hospitals and clinics.

● Virtual Medical Assistance: Remote medical services provided online are intended to prevent people from going to hospital unless necessary, thereby limiting the risk of exposure to the virus.

● Remote prescription renewal: For chronic illnesses, you can request a prescription renewal online, avoiding having to get the medicine you need at home and go to the pharmacy.

What is your medical schedule?

This may be a pressing issue for veterans and former industrial workers currently dealing with long-term illness. Not going to the hospital reduces the risk of getting the virus, but it is not always a viable option. If you need specific procedures or investigations that cannot be performed remotely, you will need to continue your previous treatment at the hospital.

The main recommendation in this case is to call in advance to make sure that a visit to a particular medical facility is possible. Many hospitals are full and others are forced to close due to the risk of contamination.

One positive thing this pandemic has to offer is increased care and oneness. You can’t talk face to face, but people seem more eager to help each other and stay connected. This gives me the opportunity to work together to protect the most vulnerable members of the community, including chronic illnesses, and to get the opportunity to see this tough period of our history end. What you want.

About the author: Gregory A. Cade He is the founder of the Environmental Litigation Group at P.C., a law firm based in Birmingham, Alabama. Gregory companies focus on cases involving environmental or occupational exposure to toxic substances. With over 20 years of experience, they are helping people throughout the United States who have developed severe illnesses due to toxic exposure.

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