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5 days polio vaccination drive finished

5 days polio vaccination drive finished
5 days polio vaccination drive finished


The five-day national vaccination drive ended on Friday, immunizing more than 39 million children under the age of five nationwide.

Islamabad, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News-December 4, 2020): Five-day national vaccination drive ended on Friday, immunizing more than 39 people a million Children under 5 years old nationwide.

According to the people concerned Polio Eradication Initiative (PEI), approx. 285,000 Polio Frontline workers visited from home to home, observing the strict SOP of COVID-19 to ensure the protection of children. From Inconvenient Polio Virus.

Special assistant Prime Minister, National Health Service, Regulation and Coordination, Dr. Faisal Sultan, said, ” government I promise to make Pakistan There is no polio.We are determined to close Immunity Unfortunately, the children’s gap has widened due to the disruption of basic services due to the COVID-19 pandemic, “he said. “We ensure that children are vaccinated in a timely and repetitive manner. Immunity Protect the gaps and them Polio..Therefore, I highly recommend all Make sure parents and caregivers Polio Vaccination of children during and on a regular basis during the campaign, “said Dr. Faisal. Pakistan For our children. Trained during the campaign Polio Frontline workers deliver what’s essential to every child Polio Vaccine while adhering to strict COVID-19 standard operating procedures, including wearing a mask, using hand sanitizers, and maintaining at least a minimum distance during vaccination.The campaign is planned in sync with Afghanistan..

“Continuously planned vaccination campaigns are essential for swift delivery while continuing efforts to expand the scope of basic vaccination. Immunity We support children under the age of five, “said Dr. Ranamu Muhammad Safdar, Coordinator of the National Emergency Operations Center. Polio Eradication Initiative (PEI).

“During this important national vaccination campaign, which aims to build on success, we need to make sure we don’t miss our children. Immunity Building efforts over the last three months.I urge everything Pakistan We see it as a national mission and support frontline workers to deliver what is essential to all children. Polio Vaccine during the week. “Lana Safdar said all Social segments, including communities, media, Religious leaders, social activists, celebrities and doctors need to play an active role in keeping children at risk of contracts Polio Illness and paralysis for life.

He said Pakistan It was one of the polio endemic countries world With that neighbor Afghanistan..The country is facing a difficult situation in Polio Eradication due to the rapid increase in the number of Polio Case.

He has added a total of 82 so far this year Polio Cases including 24 cases have been reported From Balochistan, 22 each From Khyber Pakhtunkhwa And Sindh, And 14 From Punjab..

He said Polio It was a highly infectious disease mainly caused by poliovirus, which infects children under the age of five.

It can invade the nervous system and cause paralysis and even death.There is no cure for Polio, Vaccination is the most effective way to protect children From This devastating illness.

He said that every time a child under the age of 5 was vaccinated, protection against the virus was increased and repeated vaccinations were protected. Millions Children’s From Polio, Almost permit all Country world become Polio freedom.

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