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Food of the future, Singapore news and top stories

Food of the future, Singapore news and top stories
Food of the future, Singapore news and top stories


With cell-cultured chicken nuggets coming to the menu soon, Singaporeans will be the first in the world to taste laboratory-grown meat.

Take a look at the food companies and research of the future, from insects to algae.

Salted meat

Lab-grown seafood

-Southeast Asia’s first cell-based meat company founded in 2018

-Make crustacean meat such as shrimp, lobster, and crab from animal cells and grow the cells in a nutrient-filled “medium” solution.

-Shrimp meat takes 4-6 weeks to be harvested, lobster meat takes longer


-Debuted the shrimp dumplings raised in the laboratory last March

-Last month we introduced cell-based lobster meat in two dishes-Lobster flavors in terrine and gazpacho

-I want to release a crab prototype in a few months

-The price of shrimp meat is currently US $ 3,500 per kg, and start-ups want to reduce costs to US $ 50 per kg in 2022 when new seafood is sold to companies such as restaurants.

-Plan to build a manufacturing plant in Senoko by 2022

Eat just chicken bite and plant-based liquid eggs

A chicken nugget made from cells grown by cell culture technology.Photo: Courtesy just to eat

-Last Wednesday, a California starter announced: Regulatory approval from Singapore authorities to sell chicken here

-Cell-cultured nuggets cost as much as premium chicken in restaurants

Plant-based eggs.Photo: Just eat

-October, Eat Just announced a $ 160 million facility in Singapore to produce plant-based eggs made from mung beans.Egg products can be used as liquid scrambled and folded egg patties

-The price of both egg products is about US $ 5 (S $ 7)

-The production facility will meet the demand for the company’s artificial eggs throughout Asia

-Chicken bite is also manufactured in Singapore

Ants innovate

Cell culture meat snacks. Photo: ANTS INNOVATE

Cell culture pork cut

-Spin-off from the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A * Star) this year, Ants Innovate is the first whole meat-cutting company grown in Southeast Asia compared to most other minced meat producing companies.

-Pig cells are proliferated in nutrient medium and placed on the cell’s “scaffold”. Using the company’s unique technology, cells are stacked and placed on the entire meat fillet such as pork chops and shoulders.

-Technology to reproduce the structure and texture of meat


-The company prototyped its first meat snack in June 2020

-We are aiming to launch cultivated meat snacks and cutlets in the second half of next year.The company also aims to produce cuts of meat such as steak and pork ribs by 2022 or 2023.

Turtle Tree Lab

Milk cells attach to the outside of the Petri dish tube. Photo: TURTLE TREE LABS

-Established last year, it is considered the world’s first company to produce raw milk from cells

-Mammary stem cells are extracted from the milk of mammals such as cows

-Cells grow and are exposed to special formulations that produce lactic acid

-Cells attach to the outside of long tubes through which the lactating medium flows.

-The milk then drains from the other end of the tube and is obtained by filtration


-The company plans to set up a production facility in Singapore in the first quarter of next year.

Float foods

Eggs made from legumes.Photo: Float hood

-Liquid egg white and spherical yolk made from legumes are provided as separate components


-Float Foods will launch a whole egg called Only Eg in the first quarter of 2022.

-The company plans to roll out plant-based egg patties and shredded eggs next year.

-Working with A * Star to raise the protein level of OnlyEg to ensure higher nutritional value.Eggs are cholesterol-free and free of hormones and antibiotics

Sophie’s bionutrients

A plant-based putty made from microalgal proteins.Photo: Sophie’s Bionutrient

-The company produced two types of protein powder made from fermentation of microalgae

-Protein flowers can be used in all kinds of foods, from hamburger patties to crab cakes.

-The fermentation process can bring out a specific taste like the characteristic taste of seafood

-Microalgae are grown and fermented in a bioreactor and protein is extracted when harvested after 3 days

-Microalgae are nutritious greens filled with minerals, B vitamins and even omega-3s


-The company completed fermentation of 10,000 liters in February this year and plans to put its first facility into operation at Science Park 2 in the second quarter of next year.

-Discussing with clients who may produce chicken essence using flour

Asian Insect Farm Solution

Cricket powder.Photo: Asian Insect Farm Solutions

-Insects are considered superfoods

-A local agricultural technology company sells crushed crickets in flour that can increase protein in cookies, bread and cakes.Flour starts at $ 7 per 100g

-The company injects cricket powder into spices such as curry powder

-Insect-based foods for humans are more common abroad: A Cambodia-based insect snack company recently launched a roasted black soldier fly larva called bag bacon.

-Roast grabs packaged like potato chips with a variety of seasonings such as sweet maple and barbecue

Salted mealworm snacks. Photo: CRICKSTER

-Denmark company Crickster sells products such as freeze-dried buffalo worms and crispy mealworm snacks.

-These edible insects are rich in high quality proteins and vitamins, requiring less space for breeding.

Nature’s Fynd (USA)

Thomas Jonas, CEO of Nature’s Fynd, is folding the Fy protein. Photo: NATURE’S FYND

-Fungal protein found in volcanic hot springs

-Fusarium strain flavolapis extracted from hot springs in Yellowstone National Park

-Fermentation is used to convert it into a protein called Fy. It is harvested into solids, liquids, or powders that can be used in foods and beverages.

-Fy protein contains all 20 amino acids


-The company began production at its Chicago plant earlier this year

-We plan to produce “hamburger equivalents” next year.

From laboratory-grown meat to microorganisms found in extreme volcanic environments, clean, sustainable, non-abuse-free alternative proteins will be part of the human diet of the future.

The world’s population is projected to reach 10 billion by 2050, and innovation and creativity are needed to invent more sustainable ways to maintain nutrition.

Companies that produce proteins by fermenting algae and fungi believe that the technology will one day be used in space.

However, more research must be done to ensure that the food served from the laboratory adheres to the low-carbon promise.

Singapore is making good progress in using alternative proteins, but what is important is the support of the general public.

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