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COVID-19 Vaccine Cyber ​​Attacks Occur “Every Minute Every Day”: The severity of exploits is:

COVID-19 Vaccine Cyber ​​Attacks Occur “Every Minute Every Day”: The severity of exploits is:
COVID-19 Vaccine Cyber ​​Attacks Occur “Every Minute Every Day”: The severity of exploits is:


Cyber ​​attacks are also targeting the most serious problems and problems of the year, COVID-19 in 2020, especially its vaccine development. This is despite Jab’s greatest need and urgency to be the key and solution to end this pandemic. Hackers and exploiters are now focusing on the most serious problems with the coronavirus that have plagued the medical industry, especially the entire planet.

The race to procure a 100% effective virus faced some setbacks, including unexpected side effects, false data, and legal controversy. Still, no attacks from cyber hackers were expected.Cyber ​​Exploits Show No Forgiveness To Companies Currently Creating Exemptions COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Despite the importance and urgency of the issue.

China COVID-19 Vaccine Preparation: Alibaba and Ethiopian Airlines Ship at Low Temperatures Up to -9.4 ° F

(Photo: Screenshot of Pxhere official website)
China COVID-19 Vaccine Preparation: Alibaba and Ethiopian Airlines Ship at Low Temperatures Up to -9.4 ° F

by ZDNetCyber ​​attacks on the COVID-19 vaccine company and the medical industry have been revealed since the blockade began in March nine months ago. Hackers have various focuses on vaccine production and have not identified a specific reason for the crime.

Moreover, the crimes committed by these hackers are not considered “war acts.” Instead, only lower-level criminal offenses endorsed by the state.Is important COVID-19 vaccine In today’s world of increasing incidents, these crimes are simply said to be under the jurisdiction of cybercrime.

Johnson & Johnson’s Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) said organizations, businesses, and individuals working to stop the coronavirus are experiencing these cyberattacks “every minute” in their daily work. The fierceness and competition for procuring vaccines should not be confusing for the immediate optimistic end of vaccines.

Read again: Over 100,000 medical data records may be published

COVID-19 Hacking: The law makes it illegal, but not a “war crime”

ZDNet Geneva Convention He agreed that international attacks pretending to be health are serious, but are not considered “war crimes” between the two countries acting as victims and criminals. Due to recent cyberattacks, Russia, North Korea, China and Iran have allowed attacks on state-sponsored COVID-19 vaccines.


(Photo: AIX)

Previously, hackers were in the process of stealing the “official” of the COVID-19 vaccine, but they couldn’t. Advances in the healthcare industry, especially pharmaceutical companies, will allow these types of attacks to complete vaccines within the expected time.

In addition, various threats have been posed to medical institutions and businesses with cybercrime such as ransomware, phishing and information theft.

Cyber ​​Attack on COVID-19: Vaccine Cold Chain Phishing, Latest

by WiredRecent attacks have shifted their focus from stealing COVID-19 vaccine prescriptions and stealing personal information. Instead, the new episode focuses on the “phishing” of upcoming vaccines, which require their own “cold chain” for transportation to maintain their effectiveness and condition.

The CDC tracks the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine in the United States. The mechanism of the V-SAFE app is as follows

(Photo: Photo by Leonardo Fernandez Virolia / Getty Images)
Nurses prepare vaccines during a national government-run vaccination campaign after declaring a health emergency at CDI Dr. Alcides Rodriguez in Caracas, Venezuela on March 14, 2020. .. Venezuela’s Vice President, Delsie Rodriguez, confirmed the first two cases of COVID-19 on Friday the 13th.

IBM was aware of the attack and reported to authorities to thwart crimes against the vaccine journey to those who ordered and needed the vaccine.

Related article: Security experts discover serious vulnerabilities in OpenClinic applications and risk data breaches

This article is owned by TechTimes

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