Do I need to wear a mask after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine?

Even when the COVID-19 vaccine is moving towards global distribution, we have this vaccine Not exactly a “silver bullet”In short, as vaccines spread around the world, safety measures such as avoiding social distance and travel need to be taken. This means that we will continue to use protective measures such as face masks. After vaccination.
Yes: You may think that vaccination is your preemption to throw away your face mask, but experts are already drawing attention to this topic. “Many people, once vaccinated, They don’t have to wear a mask “Already,” said Michal Tal, an immunologist at Stanford University, in an interview. New York Times.. “It will be really important to know if they need to keep wearing masks, as they can still be contagious.”
Is it contagious after vaccination with COVID-19 vaccine?
Experts are not completely sure that the vaccine will prevent people from spreading the coronavirus. This is an important element of the mask question. But how can a vaccine protect you from illness? Data shows), Can I still catch the virus and pass it on to others?
According to experts, it depends on how the vaccine is administered. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are injected into the muscle and absorbed into the bloodstream. There, they provoke an immune response that encourages your body to produce antibodies. Current vaccine data show that this prevents vaccinated people from getting sick. Especially severe COVID-19 usually occurs when symptoms appear in the lungs.
However, the main entry point for the coronavirus, like other respiratory infections, is the nose. Some of the antibodies in the blood circulate in the nasal tissue, but it is not yet known how many or if they can be reached quickly enough to completely prevent the infection.
This does not mean that vaccinated people are unprotected. Vaccines are still effective in stopping severe forms of illness. However, it is unclear how effective the vaccine is in preventing milder nasal symptoms.As Deepta Bhattacharya, an immunologist at the University of Arizona, said right now, “Prevention of severe illness is the easiest, prevention of mild illness is more difficult, prevention of all infectious diseases is the most difficult.” That is, vaccines can prevent most people from getting sick. It may be sexual, but it can continue to become infected and simply become asymptomatic, or it can show very mild symptoms.
Several studies are underway to determine if the virus can be transmitted after vaccination and to ensure that antibodies in the blood can be transferred to the nose and mouth in adequate amounts.So far, related studies look positive: studies in patients with COVID-19 show that antibody levels in saliva are high. Close to the one in the blood, This suggests that the mucosal tissues of the nose and throat are also protected.On the other hand, a recent study found that people who were vaccinated against the flu by intramuscular injection (like the COVID-19 vaccine) High levels of antibodies in the nose.. This type of data has led experts to feel optimistic that the vaccine is effective enough in the nose and throat to prevent people from spreading the virus. right now..
Do I need to wear a face mask after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine?
We do not know if vaccinated people will be able to spread the virus, so we should plan to wear a face mask even after vaccination.This is because the mask is essentially very effective in preventing virus particles from spreading from you to the people around you. Blocking respiratory dropletsIt can infect the virus when it comes out of the nose or mouth. CDC recently has a mask Protect the wearer Similarly.
There is still important data on the antibody response to the coronavirus vaccine and whether it is effective enough to prevent vaccinated people from spreading the virus. For more information, plan to continue wearing a mask to protect yourself and those around you after you have been vaccinated.
POPSUGAR aims to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information about the coronavirus, but details and recommendations regarding this pandemic are subject to change since its publication. Check the resources from for the latest information on COVID-19. WHO, CDC,and Local public health sector..
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