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New research reveals why your home is a hotspot for COVID-19

New research reveals why your home is a hotspot for COVID-19


Congested indoor spaces, including private households, are particularly vulnerable to high levels of COVID-19 infection. New research Found.

A comprehensive analysis of 54 individual studies of a total of 77,758 participants, published in the JAMA Medical Journal on Monday, found that 16.6% of people in a shared household had COVID-19 infections. , Was higher than equivalent coronaviruses such as MERS and SARS.

It was also confirmed that household infection rates may remain high even in areas with lower infection rates in larger areas.

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“The results of this study continue to be an important place for SARS-CoV-2 infection, given that individuals with suspected or confirmed infection have been referred to be quarantined at home. Let’s do it, “the author wrote.

The researchers also pointed out that viral infections in the home were higher in symptomatic patients than in asymptomatic patients.

The spread within the home was higher among infected adults than children, and among spouses than other family contacts.

The prevalence of COVID-19 infections at home can be due to a number of factors: close contact with others in an environment with circulating air. However, scientists point out that it may also be due to differences in the structure of the COVID-19 peplomer and increased viral load in the nose and throat at the onset of symptoms.

In addition, some COVID-19 infections tend to be mild and do not require hospitalization. This makes it easier for the infection to spread among people in the shared space.

“This is yet another study that reminds us of the infectivity of the virus that causes Covid-19 and how difficult it is to prevent it from infecting others when living in a crowded, multi-generational home.” Dr. Linawen, a CNN medical analyst, said. George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health Emergency Physician and Visiting Professor, comment..

Wen was not involved in the study.

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