Pandemics exacerbated the care gap and reduced cancer diagnoses by 30%: Alberta Physicians
The· COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Pandemics have a spillover effect on other parts of the medical system, and Alberta oncologists are concerned that the number of cancer patients is not diagnosed early enough or at all.
“Cancer hasn’t disappeared. It’s still a very serious health threat and needs to be diagnosed and managed, whether pandemic or not,” Dr. Douglas Stewart told Global News.
Before the pandemic, about 2,000 Alberta people were diagnosed with cancer each month, and about 600 died of cancer, according to Alberta Health Services figures.
“Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, delayed cancer diagnosis and inadequate support for patients and their physicians were problems facing Alberta and healthcare providers,” Stewart said.
“AHS’s Cancer Strategic Clinical Network has begun to develop a comprehensive state cancer diagnostic program. Soon, we will add diagnostic programs for lymphoma and colorectal cancer based on programs designed for lung and breast cancer. intend to do something.
“The pandemic exacerbated these gaps in cancer diagnosis, resulting in a reduction of more than 30 percent during the first wave of spring. [from the same months last year] It recovered from summer to early autumn, “Stewart wrote.
“Wave2 has seen a reversal of recovery, and cancer diagnoses are declining again.
“This is a concern. Similar reductions in cancer diagnosis have been reported worldwide, including in the United States, Europe and Australia.
“A pandemic does not eliminate cancer, but it can exacerbate cancer outcomes.”
“The screening program has been suspended,” said Stewart, a professor of oncology at the University of Calgary and an oncology scholar at the Tom Baker Cancer Center, senior medical director at the Cancer Strategic Clinical Network at AHS.
“There are screening programs for cervical, breast and colorectal cancers. They were suspended in the spring.
“CT scans really took precedence over urgent need, but the number of CT scans [went down], Imaging decreased and many surgical procedures decreased — about 60% — biopsy decreased, colonoscopy suite, endoscopy suite, they were suspended. “
Even when the service resumed in the summer, cancer diagnoses were lower than they should be, Stewart said.
“A further 10% reduction means we were collecting more 200 people each month who weren’t expected to be diagnosed with cancer,” he said.
“We have never dealt with the backlog and the number of undiagnosed cancer patients is steadily increasing during the pandemic.
“We are in the midst of this huge second wave … I’m worried that everything will return to spring … People aren’t taking part in screening tests. People aren’t. I’m worried that it may be. If you notice any warning symptoms of cancer, see a doctor. “
In an editorial sent to several Alberta newspapers and media on Monday, Stewart emphasized the importance of timely cancer diagnosis and care.
“Diagnosing cancer at a later, more advanced stage results in shorter survival, poorer quality of life, and increased hospitalization.
Alberta’s Chief Health Officer talked about the importance of keeping people healthy and not delaying treatment.
“During this pandemic, it became clear that Alberta wasn’t seeking medical care more often than usual,” Dr. Hinsho said on December 10.
“This trend isn’t unique to Alberta. It’s been confirmed in Canada and many other countries. But we need to change it. Alberta’s health care system is still a safe place. Help If necessary, it is open and ready to assist in the diagnosis and management of illness and illness. “
“Alberta Health Services and the Alberta Cancer Foundation remind the Alberta citizens of the importance of listening to their bodies and seeing a doctor when needed. Please note the change, “She added.
“This pandemic is spreading new illnesses rather than stopping existing ones.
“Talk to your healthcare provider so they can investigate. New persistent symptoms If you were experiencing them. This includes abnormal or growing lumps, large amounts of blood in the stool, urine or sputum, or mole growth or darkening.All of these can be signs of serious health problems, including: cancer.. “
Surgery for a man in Alberta has been postponed indefinitely as the hospital is working on COVID-19
Stewart repeated those feelings and added that timely diagnosis and treatment of cancer is important.
“Cancer is the leading cause of death in Alberta,” he writes.
“We know that early cancer diagnosis results in less advanced disease, more effective treatment options, better survival, and quality of life results, but early cancer. Diagnosis is a complex process that requires you to be aware of persistent or worsening physical changes and see a doctor.
“The sooner this process starts, the better.
“My colleague first noticed symptoms and lumps in April, but was worried about getting COVID-19 and annoying his doctor, so he consulted his doctor until the end of summer. I’m meeting a newly diagnosed cancer patient who didn’t promise to get me-I thought I had a COVID-19 problem or my doctor wasn’t looking directly at the patient, “Stewart continues.
“The general public needs to ensure that clinics and laboratories are safely accessible through strict COVID-19 precautions such as masking, additional cleaning, distances, and pre-screening protocols. ..
“An important part of health care during a pandemic is also to see a doctor and be tested as needed. As clinicians, we are always here to help you with serious medical concerns. is.”
© 2020 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.
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