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“Great day, great place”: Boston Medical Center staff celebrates the arrival of the coronavirus vaccine

“Great day, great place”: Boston Medical Center staff celebrates the arrival of the coronavirus vaccine
“Great day, great place”: Boston Medical Center staff celebrates the arrival of the coronavirus vaccine


Medical professionals working at the forefront of the coronavirus pandemic treat an overwhelming number of patients desperately ill with the new virus at once, resulting in uncertainty about the supply of personal protective equipment. We dealt with the tax year until we faced the sex.

So when the Boston Medical Center received one of the first shipments of the Pfizer-BioNTech Coronavirus Vaccine early Monday morning, that was the reason for the celebration. For the first time in a few months, and on the same day, the country has surpassed 300,000 deaths from the virus, but hope is imminent.

The TikTok video uploaded by the hospital to Facebook has been talked about throughout social media, with staff (people wearing yellow hospital gowns, people wearing scrubs, people covering their faces). Dancing and the shared uplifting feeling is clear.

And what is their song selection? It is none other than “Good as Hell” by the Grammy-nominated singer Rizzo.

“On December 14, the Boston Medical Center received the first shipment of the COVID-19 vaccine,” the caption of a Facebook post said. “And the staff feels” feeling good “about this important turning point in the pandemic. “

Hospitals that have been vaccinated 1,950 times so far will begin vaccination of health care workers this week, according to the post.

Kate Walsh, president and chief executive officer of Boston Medical Center Health Systems, said the celebration symbolized her love for work.

“A team of people who work safely and fairly will distribute the vaccine to front-line colleagues who are backed by friends celebrating the arrival of the vaccine,” Walsh wrote in a tweet. “Great day, great place.”

Many responded to the video with gratitude to the healthcare professionals. Others pointed to the particular “scene stealer” that appears in the clip.

Dr. Valerie Stone, Vice-Chair of Diversity, Fairness and Comprehensiveness at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, said he was “extremely pleased” with the arrival of the vaccine at the Boston Medical Center.

@The_BMC And the amazing care of countless patients with COVID-19, “Stone wrote in a tweet.

Alicia Bowman, a Newton city council member, said the dance staff video made her “very happy.”

“Thanks to # HealthcareHeroes # COVID19,” Bowman wrote in a tweet.

See other reactions to the video below.

Shannon Larson can be reached at [email protected].. Follow her on Twitter @ shannonlarson98..

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