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The first shipment of coronavirus vaccine arrives nationwide, bringing joy and peace of mind

The first shipment of coronavirus vaccine arrives nationwide, bringing joy and peace of mind
The first shipment of coronavirus vaccine arrives nationwide, bringing joy and peace of mind


Video above: Healthcare professionals get first COVID-19 shots in Colorado The first shipment of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine began shipping to all 50 states on Sunday. Frontline health care workers and caregiver residents were one of the first Americans to be vaccinated, although the general public will probably not receive themselves for some time, perhaps months. It has made history that nurses, doctors, veterans, etc. received the first of two vaccinations on Monday and the second must be given within 21 days. Many felt proud, excited, and hopeful for the future. Healthcare workers in Pittsburgh were excited to be one of the first to receive the vaccine and felt reassured that their children were at low risk. “I really couldn’t sleep last night because I was just excited,” he said. “I was trembling when I got out of the car, but I was very excited to get the vaccine.” Majevsky said it was a moving experience to see Van bring in the vaccine. I said that. Just as I saw the UPS van pulled up, so many emotions came to me. The two mothers said the most stressful part of the coronavirus pandemic was the fear of bringing it back to their families. Related Video — “I can’t wait to hug my child”: Dr. Alisareli, head of critical care for the Memorial Healthcare System, where front-line workers in Pittsburgh receive their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, said on Monday. He was the first healthcare worker to be vaccinated with COVID-19 in Broward County, Florida. “It was a real honor to be the first to go,” says Saleri. “As doctors, doctor leaders, and leaders of the community as a whole, not just healthcare, it is our duty and duty to set an example for others in the community and to obtain this vaccine. I’m really looking forward to being huge. The big difference. “I’m really honored to be the first to go. I’m looking forward to all my colleagues vaccination. And really the whole community, this virus It’s time to beat. ”Related Video — Healthcare Workers Vaccinated Dominique Almijo, Nurse Manager at Christos St. Vincent in Santefe, New Mexico, was vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine in South Florida and was“ very honored. I feel thought, privileged, grateful, and jazz. ” COVID vaccine. Armijo, who helps supervise and treat patients in the COVID unit, got it first. He says the shot was painless. There was no pain. It was quick and very quick. Armijo knows that some people are distrustful of vaccines and hopes that his example will help vaccination of others. “I really want to get rid of the postponements and anxieties of my fellow healthcare professionals,” Armijo said. Related Video — Rapid and Painless: New Mexican Nurse Explains First Vaccination of COVID Vaccine The Maryland University Health System in Baltimore receives the first batch of vaccine and administers it to five front-line healthcare professionals Did: Two Doctors, Nurses, Respiratory Therapists and Environmental Services Workers The first employee to receive the vaccine was Sean Hendrix, Nursing Director of UMMC’s Health, Cardiac Services and Telesitter Program. Hendrix from Baltimore said he was proud to be the first person to be vaccinated. UMMS encourages others to do the same when the vaccine becomes available. “As individuals of African-American color, we are three times more likely to get COVID than any other ethnic group,” Hendrix Hendrix told hospital staff, enough for COVID-19. He said he saw death. Her mother spent two months recovering from the virus, and her brother and brother-in-law were also diagnosed with the virus. She wants everyone to be vaccinated. “My mother had a COVID, my brother, my brother-in-law had a COVID. Hendrix said.” The unknown always causes fear and hesitation, but repeatedly But the benefits far outweigh the risks. ”Related Video — COVID-19 vaccination was personal to some UMMS workers

Video above: Healthcare professional gets first COVID-19 shot in Colorado

The first shipment of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine began on Sunday in all 50 states. Frontline health care workers and caregiver residents were one of the first Americans to be vaccinated, although the general public will probably not receive themselves for some time, perhaps months.

It has made history that nurses, doctors, veterans, etc. received the first of two vaccinations on Monday and the second must be given within 21 days. Many felt proud, excited, and hopeful for the future.

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Pittsburgh Healthcare Professionals I was excited to be one of the first to receive the vaccine, feeling reassured that her children were not at risk.

“I was just excited so I couldn’t really sleep last night,” said radiologist Heather Majewski. “All the feel.

“I was trembling when I got out of the car,” Majewski said. “But I was very excited to get the vaccine.”

Majevsky said it was a moving experience to see Van bring in the vaccine.

“I saw the UPS van pulled up and I just came across so many feelings.”

The two mothers said the most stressful part of the coronavirus pandemic was the fear of bringing it back to their families.

“I gave them a hug and did not neglect a kind of vigilance by approaching them.”

Related Video — “I can’t wait to hug my child”: Pittsburgh frontline workers receive first dose of COVID-19 vaccine

Dr. Alisareli, Head of Critical Care for Memorial Healthcare Systems, Was the first healthcare worker to be vaccinated with COVID-19 Monday in Broward County, Florida.

“It was a real honor to go first. As doctors, doctor leaders, and leaders of the entire community, not just healthcare, it is our duty to set an example for others in the community and get it. This vaccine, we are really looking forward to making a big, big difference with this vaccine.

“It was a real honor to be the first to go. I’m looking forward to vaccination with all my colleagues, and it’s really time for the whole community to overcome the virus.”

Related Video — Healthcare workers vaccinated with COVID-19 in South Florida

Dominique Almjo, Nurse Manager at Christos St. Vincent in Santa Fe, New Mexico, said: Hospital first received Pfizer’s COVID vaccine in the state.. Armijo, who oversees and treats patients with the COVID unit, got it first. He says the shot wasn’t painful.

“I rolled up my sleeves and stabbed them a little,” said Almiho. “It was painless. It was quick and very quick.”

Armijo recognizes that some people are distrustful of vaccines and hopes that his example will help others in their vaccine efforts.

“I really want to get rid of any postponements or anxieties that my fellow healthcare professionals may have,” Armijo said.

Related Video — Quick and Painless: New Mexico Nurse Explains Initial COVID Vaccination

The University of Maryland Health System in Baltimore received the first batch of vaccines, And administered it to five front-line healthcare professionals: two doctors, a nurse, a respiratory therapist, and an environmental service worker.

The first employee to receive the vaccine was Shawn Hendricks, Nursing Director of UMMC’s Medical, Cardiac Services, and Telesitter Program.

Originally from Baltimore, Hendrix is ​​proud to be the first to be vaccinated with UMMS and encourages others to do the same when the vaccine becomes available.

“African-Americans who are color individuals are three times more likely to be infected with COVID than any other ethnic group,” Hendrix said.

Hendrix told hospital staff that he had seen enough death for COVID-19. Her mother spent two months recovering from the virus, and her brother and brother-in-law were also diagnosed with the virus. She wants everyone to be vaccinated.

“My mother had a COVID, my brother, my brother-in-law had a COVID. My mother recovered and was hospitalized for two months, and it was another family member and friend It’s not even about talking about, “Hendrix said. “The unknown always causes some fear and hesitation; but once again, the benefits far outweigh the risks.”

Related Video — COVID-19 vaccination was personal to some UMMS workers


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