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Can mRNA vaccines change your DNA?Many of your COVID-19 vaccine questions have been answered

Can mRNA vaccines change your DNA?Many of your COVID-19 vaccine questions have been answered
Can mRNA vaccines change your DNA?Many of your COVID-19 vaccine questions have been answered


We will answer your questions about the pandemic. Please send them to [email protected] and we will answer as much as possible. Publish a selection of answers online and ask experts some questions on The National and CBC News Network. So far, we have received more than 59,000 emails from all over the country.

When the first coronavirus injections began across Canada, CBC News spoke with experts to answer questions about how the vaccine reached this stage. For example, what does “90% efficacy” mean in clinical trials? And what types of volunteers are participating in clinical trials or are they excluded?

What is the effect of mRNA vaccine on DNA? Is it true that it changes DNA?

MRNA vaccines such as those developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna do not use DNA.

RNA is like a temporary copy of DNA and is used to make proteins. Proteins are the components that cells use to grow and repair themselves. When a protein is made, RNA is broken down.

“In humans, progression is constantly changing from DNA to RNA to protein,” said Dr. Zain Chagla, an associate professor at McMaster University and an infectious disease specialist in Hamilton, Ontario.

“It is not possible for human cells to return from RNA to DNA. It is not possible because there is no mechanism to process it. Therefore, there is no concern that the RNA vaccine will somehow invade and transform human DNA. . “

There are retroviruses such as HIV, one of the microorganisms that can produce DNA from RNA. Matthew Miller, an associate professor of infectious diseases and immunology at McMaster University, said in an email that DNA produced by retroviruses can be integrated into cells.

Therefore, some researchers have suggested retrovirus infection. Theoretically it may provide the proteins needed for integration It is taken into account, but of mRNA “Very unlikely”

Miller said RNA from retroviruses is structurally different from mRNA.

“Therefore, even if infected with a retrovirus, the mRNA in the vaccine does not change our DNA.”

How can the efficacy of a vaccine be calculated if participants in a Phase 3 clinical trial are not intentionally exposed to the virus?

Participants in the clinical trial were divided into two groups: vaccinated and dummy shots. They went to work and school and had social interactions as usual. Since Phase 3 clinical trials were conducted primarily in areas with highly active pandemics, such as the United States and Brazil, a certain number of participants would have been exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19 in their daily lives.

Efficacy was calculated by comparing the number of infections between vaccinated and dummy shots.

Efficacy is how well the vaccine works in clinical trials. Efficacy is how well a vaccine or product works in a real environment.

How do you interpret the “90% efficacy” of a vaccine in clinical trials? Does this mean that 90 out of 100 people are immune to the virus?

No. To date, clinical trials have generally not been designed to measure whether people are immune to the virus. They were designed to see if it reduces the chances of getting a symptomatological disorder. A 90% efficacy means that vaccinated people are 90% less likely to get symptomatic COVID-19 than those vaccinated with dummy shots.

See | Vaccine Wright at the end of a long tunnel, WHO says:

When vaccination begins, World Health Organization technical leader Maria Van Kerkhove enthusiastically appeals to people in 2021 to protect themselves and their loved ones from COVID-19. 1:48

However, it is not clear how many people were actually immune to the infection, as the trials generally did not test for asymptomatic infections.

What volunteers are participating in the clinical trial and who have been excluded so far? From an efficiency standpoint, can vaccines protect different people in different ways?

Most trials to date have included adults.

Vaccines are often Less effective in the elderlyThat’s why there are high-dose flu and shingles vaccines for the elderly.

Both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna have stated that vaccine efficacy is consistent across demographics by age, race, ethnicity, and gender. Pfizer-BioNTech has also identified the vaccine as 94% effective in adults 65 years and older.


Neither company reports results, especially for people with chronic illness.

According to Chagra, as the vaccine is deployed to millions of people around the world, we will be able to learn more about people of different ages and those with other illnesses.

“It will better understand whether this vaccine prevents people from infecting or shedding COVID-19, or simply ameliorating symptoms and still infecting them,” Chagra said.

Dr. Joan Langley, a pediatric infectious disease expert at Halifax, who co-leads the Canadian Vaccine Task Force, said the company Children and pregnant women, Will be launched in this country in 2021. International exams are also expanding to include children under the age of 16. Vaccine makers say.

Do you know if the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is safe for pregnant, lactating women and children?

So far, there are no specific data on pregnant and lactating women, so vaccine manufacturers cannot reliably determine if a vaccine is safe for the group.

However, Dr. Michael Gardam, a Toronto infectious disease specialist who is a senior medical adviser to HealthPEI, said, “There is nothing to suggest that this vaccine causes problems for pregnant women.” Pregnant women may have the option of receiving a vaccine.

The Moderna protocol file, a biotechnology company for COVID-19 vaccination, was stored in a binder at the Research Centers of America in Hollywood, Florida in August. MRNA vaccines like PFizer-BioNtech and Moderna do not use DNA. (Chandankanna via Getty Images / AFP)

Gardam recommends talking to your doctor about it.

For children, pediatric exams are still in their infancy. Both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna are beginning to test children between the ages of 12 and 17 this year and younger children next year.This is necessary before vaccination of the child They often require slightly different doses or forums than adults because they have a more active immune system. And it may show a stronger immune response.

I have a question?

Send your question about this and other COVID-19 vaccine candidates to [email protected]..

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