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Britain ends controversial bans by bleeding sexually active gay and bisexual men ::

Britain ends controversial bans by bleeding sexually active gay and bisexual men ::
Britain ends controversial bans by bleeding sexually active gay and bisexual men ::


— The UK allows sexually active gay and bisexual men to donate blood, overturning the ban that occurred during the HIV / AIDS epidemic of the 1980s and has long been accused of homophobia.

The government has described it as a “breakthrough” change, stating that after 2021, men with long-term relationships will be able to shed blood at any time.

However, other men (MSM) who have sex with men should refrain from having sex for three months before donating.

Following the AIDS crisis, rules banning blood donations from gay and bisexual men have been enforced in many countries, and health agencies have claimed that they are more likely to get infections through sex than others.

However, LGBTQ campaign participants and other groups have opposed the ban, warning that they will perpetuate stereotypes about gay and bisexual men, and argue that modern screening methods have a low risk of missing an infection. ..

In the UK changes made after the Advisory Board made recommendations to the government, each potential donor will be judged individually.

“This is a positive step, acknowledging individuals about what they do, not sexual orientation,” said Health Minister Matt Hancock.

The move has been actively accepted by LGBTQ charities, but many have made further changes to allow more gay and bisexual men to make potentially life-saving donations. I asked.

Nancy Kelly, CEO of LGBTQ Rights Group Stonewall, said, “This change will help more gays and bimen to donate blood, and a blood donation selection policy that is entirely based on individualized risk assessments. It will be an important first step towards. ” statement.

“Welcome to today’s news, but more to tackle challenges that lead to higher risks for gays, bimen, and other groups of people in the African black community, sex workers, trance communities, and more. We know we need to do that, about getting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, “she added.

In the 1980s, the United Kingdom enforced a total ban on blood donations to men who had sex with other men. In 2011, gay or bisexual donors were abolished in favor of a one-year postponement period when they had to refrain from having sex, and in 2017 that period was reduced to three months.

According to Reuters, many countries, including Croatia, Malaysia, Singapore and Ukraine, still have universal bans, while others such as Italy and Spain have no restrictions.

The United States allowed MSM to wait a year after having sex before collecting blood, but the need for donations increased as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, reducing the period to three months in April. I did.

The American Red Cross is one of the organizations that opposes the rules, saying on its website that “the eligibility for blood donations should not be determined by sexual orientation-based methods.”

British blood donors need to answer a series of lifestyle and sexual history questions before donating blood. This is maintained under the new approach.

In addition to asking male donors, female donors are also asked if they have had sex with a man who has had sex with other men.

The UK’s NHS Blood and Transplant Service said it was “very happy” with the change, and several lawmakers welcomed the move.

“In contrast to the attitude I met in the campaign at the Ministry of Health many years ago, I said,’Homosexuals can’t trust to tell the truth about sex life,'” said Conservative lawmaker Michael Fabricant. Mr Kant said. Tweeted.

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