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New viral variants, vaccination efforts, increasing cases: COVID-19 Global Update

New viral variants, vaccination efforts, increasing cases: COVID-19 Global Update
New viral variants, vaccination efforts, increasing cases: COVID-19 Global Update


These are the stories of the global coronavirus that you need to know this week.

development of Australian person Homemade COVID-19 vaccine was subsequently discontinued Produced false positives for HIV With some participants. In a phase I trial of vaccine candidates being developed by the University of Queensland and biotechnology company CSL, some participants HIV A protein used to stabilize the vaccine (gp41).

World Health Organization (WHO) Send a team Of 10 scientists to Wuhan China In January to investigate the origin of COVID-19.Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China Confirmed It will cooperate with the WHO investigation.

TheĀ· United Arab Emirates COVID-19 vaccination started A few days after the country approved the COVID-19 vaccine developed by China’s Shinofarm on December 14, in the capital Abu Dhabi.

After 5 weeks of COVID reduction-19 cases Spain, That number has increased to about 200 per 100,000 this week. The Ministry of Health is proposing “more restrictive” measures for Christmas. Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez did not rule out tightening restrictions in the event of a worsening situation. Meanwhile, one study found that one in ten Spaniards was already infected with COVID-19, half of the second wave.

In United Kingdom, Details have been released The SARS-CoV-2 variant is said to be spreading more rapidly than existing variants. VUI-202012 / 01 has a series of mutations, including the N501Y mutation, in the receptor binding motif of the peplomer protein used by the virus to bind to the human ACE2 receptor.

A Co-editing From BMJ And Health service journal Due to the increase in incidents, the government was urged to abolish the planned five-day Christmas blockade easing. However, some changes have been made in different parts of the UK and mitigation is underway.Prime Minister Boris Johnson At a press conference: “Have a nice Christmas. I’m scared this year. It makes little sense.”

French President Emmanuel Macron Test positive Coronavirus measures. He was tested after showing symptoms, but it is not clear where he was infected. He works from home during a seven-day quarantine period. He met Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez in Paris on Monday, and Mr. Sanchez was also independent.

The first vaccination against COVID-19 could begin at the end of the year, with the country receiving about 1.16 million vaccinations by the end of December, another 677,000 in January and about 160 in February. You will be vaccinated 10,000 times.

The government has also launched large-scale screening experiments in four metropolitan areas.

TheĀ· German Joint presentation by the Respiratory Society and the German Lung Foundation statement About current measures to stop the spread of SARS-CoV-2. They warned about the possible consequences of a pandemic and provided new ways to better manage the crisis. Their suggestions Includes prevention and vaccination strategies, and hospital capacity optimization.

Controversial Italian Court decision Contrary to the recommendations of the Italian Pharmaceutical Research Institute, doctors are allowed to prescribe hydroxychloroquine to COVID-19. According to the court, there is no evidence of possible serious side effects, nor is there sufficient “evidence of ineffectiveness” to ban its use in general practice.

Italy will be completely closed from December 24th to 27th and December 31st to January 3rd to prevent family gatherings. Although the number of cases is decreasing, the medical system is still overwhelming.

To Brazil, Vaccination will begin 5 days after regulatory ANVISA approves the first vaccine. Priority groups will be vaccinated for a period of 4 months. Vaccination of the general population is expected to take 12 months. Some public health experts said the plan was technically flawed and not comprehensive enough. On December 14, the country recorded 915 deaths in 24 hours. In the state of SĆ£o Paulo, the Butantan Institute began producing the Corona Vac vaccine prior to approval. The institute is working to produce one million daily doses.

To PortugalWomen between the ages of 40 and 49 are the population most hit by the second wave of COVID-19. Women aged 50-59 are in second place, and women aged 20-29 are in third place. There have also been changes to the quarantine rules. People who are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms should be quarantined for 10 days. Of 14.

TheĀ· America Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Approved Pfizer / BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for use over 16 years of age.Healthcare workers were first vaccinated when inventory began to arrive Nationwide sites..

Overwhelming federal advisers Recommendation Emergency clearance of Moderna’s vaccine, noting concerns about potential allergic reactions and the challenges of ongoing testing of this drug. The FDA is not obliged to act on the recommendations of its advisors, but the FDA usually seeks panel advice.

Meanwhile, the United States has reached another milestone of 300,000 deaths.Hundreds of hospitals nationwide Capacity or approaching capacity.

See more Medscape Global Coronavirus Updates Coronavirus Resource Center.


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