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Vaccination brings “small rays” to Memphis hospital workers

Vaccination brings “small rays” to Memphis hospital workers
Vaccination brings “small rays” to Memphis hospital workers


After returning from the Mardi Gras Festival in New Orleans earlier this year, Marilyn Davis became the first case of COVID-19 recorded locally on March 8th, with zero cases in Shelby County.

Just nine months later, on Thursday, she experienced another historic pandemic milestone when she received her first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for front-line healthcare professionals at a hospital in the Memphis area. did.

“I was nervous at first, and I’ve never been so noticed,” says Davis, working as a cardiac monitoring technician at the Baptist Memorial Hospital in East Memphis. “I want to let people know that if I stay here and survive this, I would rather get this vaccine than I would have experienced it again.”

In addition to the Baptists, several other Shelby County Hospitals, including Regional One, Methodist Le Bonheur German Town, and Methodist University Hospital, also launched vaccination campaigns on Thursday. They all received a small portion of the state’s first 56,500 doses from Pfizer.

Regional One states that nearly 2,000 initial doses are sufficient to inoculate staff at highest risk of exposure to the virus, but in most cases, state-wide hospitals are the highest priority. Wait for further shipments to fully cover what is in the higher group.

Tennessee will receive Vaccine another 115,000 doses next week From the pharmaceutical company Moderna, which is likely to begin distributing vials from federal regulators on Friday.

Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines should be given twice every few weeks.

It felt surreal for those who rolled up their sleeves on Thursday and received their first jab.

Brett Walker, a nurse at the Baptist Memorial’s COVID unit, said he knew the vaccine was coming, but didn’t expect it right away.

“During this time, I feel like I’ve experienced a wide range of emotions. Initially, I had a lot of fear and anxiety,” he said. “Then the day will actually come when we may actually be able to turn the corner with this.”

Tennessee is experiencing one of the worst surges in the country, so you have to turn the corner.As of Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said The highest number of new COVID cases per 100,000..

Shelby County hospital beds, full of virus-infected patients, are hovering at a record high of about 550 as of Wednesday.

“I’m surprised every day when I see a patient in the ICU who says he was really careful until a lot of strangers came home, or even his family and even extended families,” Dr. Steve Threllkeld, an infectious disease expert who was also vaccinated on Thursday. “This is how the virus is really hurting us now. People forget that your cousin, family, and your best friend can give you the virus.”

Davis, who was hospitalized when she got sick and spent months recovering, had too many people still coordinating their behavior, despite a record number of Americans dying from the virus. Say you don’t want to.

“I’m just annoyed to see people still living a normal life, but now I’m in the middle of a pandemic,” she said. “I don’t need this virus. I don’t need it at all.”

Still, Threllkeld says the arrival of vaccines is a boost that many people need.

“You can hardly see the darkness you were in until you get a few rays to illuminate where you are,” he said.

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