Infectious diseases continue to destroy records in Tulare County
The Turea County Spiral COVID-19 Index shows no signs of slowdown as 3,000 newly diagnosed cases and 27 died of viral complications in the last 7 days.
So far in December, there were 6,798 newly diagnosed COVID-19 cases in Tulare County, and the total number of new infections in November has already doubled, according to statistics released by the Tulare County Health and Human Services Agency. It has become.
If new infection rates continue at the current pace, Tulare County will experience approximately 12,000 new COVID-19 cases in December, breaking the previous month’s highs of 5,200 new cases in July.
At the same time, the COVID-19 mortality rate in Turea County is increasing at an alarming rate. If the new infection rate continues at the current pace, 62 people will die in December in Tulare County. The last record was 54 people died in August.
Carrie Monteiro, a spokesman for HHSA in Turea County, said the pace of increase in deaths in Turea County is a harsh, relentless math of a rapidly spreading infection.
According to Monteiro, it is estimated that about 12% of newly infected people with COVID-19 will be ill enough to be hospitalized, and 12% of those hospitalized will die.
Of the 340 new COVID-19 infections reported on Friday, 40 will require hospitalization and 4 to 5 will die, according to Monteiro.
“These are disastrous numbers. You can see how fast the situation can be and how difficult it can be,” Monteiro said. “And while older people are still dying at a high rate, we see young people dying in Tulare County.”
Of the 34 recent deaths in Tulare County, two were in their thirties, seven were between 41 and 64, and 25 were over 65, according to Monteiro.
According to Monteiro, local hospitals need to treat more typical medical emergencies, such as heart attacks, car accidents, shootings, and other accidents during the busy holiday season.
This means that the Kaweah Delta Medical Center in Visalia and the Sierra View Medical Center in Porterville will continue to be dangerously flooded with sick patients, Monteiro added.
On December 15, Kaweah Delta CEO Gary Herbst described the situation at Visalia Hospital as “disastrous, miserable and alarming,” noting that the medical center was approaching capacity.
As of Thursday, Kaware Delta was treating 140 COVID-19 patients, 14 of whom were in the hospital’s 41-bed ICU (9 beds were available).
As of Friday, according to data provided by state and local health agencies, the county’s COVID-19 case rate per day is 82 per 100,000 population, with a positive rate of 14.4%.
To move out of California’s most restrictive purple layer, the county must report less than 7 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per day and less than 8% test positives for 14 consecutive days. There is. This is an indicator that Tulare County is far from a conference.
Since the pandemic struck Turea County in mid-March, 28,130 people have been infected and 353 have died from COVID-19 complications, according to data provided by local and state public health authorities.
California attacked by COVID-19
The situation is similarly tough in other parts of California. At current rates, over the next four weeks, state hospitals could be flooded with 75,000 patients (about five times the current level), with an average of 400 deaths daily.
Infectious disease expert Marm Kilpatrick of the University of California, Santa Cruz, said the trail wouldn’t take long for the state to be put in a very bad place.
“One of the concerns is that despite recent restrictions, hospitalizations and cases have increased exponentially in California for quite some time,” said Kilpatrick. “That’s kind of scary.”
More:US Coronavirus Map: Tracking Outbreaks
With the explosion of incidents since November, California Governor Gavin Newsom has taken action to rank companies and irritate some residents. He put most of the state under a new curfew, stopped eating in restaurants, stopped haircuts and manicures, and closed many other types of businesses. Retail store capacity has been reduced.
When these orders affect, there is a delay from infection to detection until the illness becomes serious enough to lead to hospitalization, usually several weeks before hospitalization, and several weeks before the number of cases is displayed. It can be even longer. It will be even longer for death to occur.
James Ward Cover Entertainment, news, Sports And Lifestyle For Visalia Times-Delta / Tulare Advance-Register.Follow him twitter.. Get alerts and get an idea of ​​everything in Tulare County for just $ 1 a month. Subscribe today..
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