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Alberta Launches Online Dashboard for Sharing Substance Use Data

Alberta Launches Online Dashboard for Sharing Substance Use Data
Alberta Launches Online Dashboard for Sharing Substance Use Data


The· Alberta Substance Use Monitoring System Tool It went live on Friday afternoon. Authorities say this is Canada’s most comprehensive platform of its kind.

The online platform shares more data (searchable by drug, region, age, and gender) in terms of broader substance use, instead of releasing a quarterly PDF that reports opioid-related deaths and EMS responses. To do.

Statistics on accidental substance-related deaths and EMS calls are updated more frequently on a monthly basis.

Alberta officials said the site provides more data than any other state or region and is updated more frequently.

“The COVID-19 pandemic is not the only public health crisis in Alberta,” said Premier Jason Kenny.

“Thousands of Alberta continue to struggle with mental health and addiction issues, often difficultd by public health measures. The Alberta government is committed to being there to assist in their recovery. doing.”

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“This new data system will give me better insight into the problem of addiction, help me respond in better ways to support recovery, and ultimately protect my life and livelihood throughout this pandemic and beyond. We support our overall goals. “

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Alberta’s online dashboard helps you identify trends in substance and alcohol abuse more quickly: Kenny

Alberta’s online dashboard helps you identify trends in substance and alcohol abuse more quickly: Kenny

By providing more data to community agencies, partners and primary care networks, they can make evidence-based decisions about treatments, programs and other responses to help address the opioid crisis. believe.

“It will be very helpful to all the people working in various social welfare organizations, treatment centers and addiction counseling,” Kenny said.

“They can see exactly what’s happening, what’s the trend … which region and which region is most affected. All the data is more rigorous. With real-time tracking, you can shift your resources where you need them to address your challenges. “

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COVID-19 pandemic that brings “Stark effect” to opioid-related deaths in Alberta

The online dashboard contains 14 tabs of searchable data related to the use of opioids as well as other substances such as cocaine and methamphetamine. It also includes dispensing data, monitored consumer sites, dependent programs, hospitalization numbers, and EMS calls.

Officials said this trend was in line with what other jurisdictions are seeing.

So far in 2020, there have been 1,028 deaths from unintended drug addiction. This includes data up to the end of October and includes all medications.

This shows on the dashboard that there are more than in the last four years. 800 people died in 2019, 957 in 2018, 861 in 2017 and 685 in 2016.

The data “reminds us seriously of how much work is left,” the Prime Minister said.

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By the end of October 2020, Alberta had recorded 904 opioid-related deaths. Looking back at the beginning of the year, opioid deaths peaked in July (142) and then declined from August (106), September (101) to October (94).

In July 2020, more opioid deaths were recorded than in any other month in state history.

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Record 142 Alberta died of overdose in July 2020

Record 142 Alberta died of overdose in July 2020

From July to October, opioid overdose mortality decreased by 33%, and emergency medical service response decreased by 36% from July to October. However, both rates remain significantly higher than pre-pandemic levels.

“The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a devastating and widespread impact on the lives of many Alberta states, especially those suffering from addiction,” said Jason Luang, Deputy Minister of Mental Health and Addiction. Stated.

“Opioid overdose deaths remain high and we are deeply concerned about the impact of the second wave of the pandemic, but it is promising that the number of deaths is beginning to decline. This new online reporting system is with the government. We provide both the general public with up-to-date data to help them understand these implications and better target our response. “

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“That’s sad. It’s sad.”: Alberta is discussing deaths from overdose in the COVID-19 era.

The new website contains statistics on all types of drugs, including prescription drugs. The data does not include suicide cases. Rather, it is only death from unintended acute poisoning.

Between July and October 2020, 443 people in Alberta died of apparently unintended opioid poisoning. During the same period, EMS responded to 2,118 opioid-related events.

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Poisoning, COVID-19 measures worsen mental health: Kenny

Poisoning, COVID-19 measures worsen mental health: Kenny

A record number of community naloxone kits (27,641) were distributed in the third quarter of 2020.

Kenny said the opioid crisis “disproportionately affected the indigenous Alberta province during the pandemic.” He said the number of personal opioid-related deaths in First Nations has increased by 61 percent since 2019, compared to the first six months of 2020.

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“There’s obviously more to do,” said Premier.

The substance use website was created using in-house staff and used licenses already owned by the government, so it was developed at no additional cost.

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CERB payments, treatment interruptions contributed to record-breaking overdose deaths in July: Kenny

CERB payments, treatment interruptions contributed to record-breaking overdose deaths in July: Kenny

Data is obtained from a variety of sources, including the Chief Coroner’s Office, community organizations that distribute naloxone, Alberta Health Services, and treatment programs.

Alberta, suffering from addiction, can contact the Addiction Helpline (1-866-332-2322) for support, information, and referrals to services. The toll-free confidential helpline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

© 2020 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


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