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A step towards understanding why COVID-19 increases the risk of stroke

A step towards understanding why COVID-19 increases the risk of stroke
A step towards understanding why COVID-19 increases the risk of stroke


A step towards understanding why COVID-19 increases the risk of stroke

UCLA-led studies may help explain how COVID-19 increases the risk of stroke. Scientists have discovered a 3D-printed model of an artery in a stroke patient by running a liquid spiked with a COVID-19-like protein. Credit: UCLA Health

UCLA-led studies may help explain how COVID-19 increases the risk of stroke. Scientists have discovered a 3D-printed model of an artery in a stroke patient by running a liquid spiked with a COVID-19-like protein.

COVID-19 was first identified by its severe respiratory symptoms, but the virus caused a stroke Those who did not have known risk factors.However, little is known about how viruses increase risk. ..

For more information, UCLA researchers use a 3D-printed silicon model of blood vessels in the brain to generate blood by pushing an abnormally narrowed artery called intracranial atherosclerosis. Imitated the power. They showed that these forces act on the cells that line the arteries, increasing the production of a molecule called angiotensin converting enzyme 2 or ACE2, which the coronavirus uses to invade cells on the surface of blood vessels. ..

“Flow directly affects ACE2 expression,” said Dr. Jason Hinman, an assistant professor of neurology at UCLA’s School of Medicine and lead author of the study.

In addition to Hinman, the authors of the study are neurologists at Geffen School of Medicine and scientists at the University of California, San Francisco and the Department of Veterans Health.The paper was published in stroke..

UCLA researchers used data from CT scans of blood vessels to create a model. .. Next, I arranged the inside of the model as follows. , The type of cells that line human blood vessels. The model allowed researchers to mimic the same forces that act on real blood vessels during COVID-19 infection.

To see if the coronavirus that sways along the bloodstream can latch into ACE2 in the endothelial cells of the brain, researchers have found that it is a peplomer-studded fat molecule that the coronavirus uses to bind to ACE2. Created a mimic “virus”. Previous studies have shown that the coronavirus binds to endothelial cells in other organs, but it was unclear if it was also occurring in the brain.

After creating a new model, researchers confirmed that the particles actually interact with the cells that line the blood. , Primarily in areas of the brain with high levels of ACE2.

“This finding may explain the increased incidence of stroke seen with COVID-19 infections,” Hinman said.

Another finding provided insights that could ultimately help identify people with COVID-19 who may be at increased risk of stroke.When scientists analyzed which genes were turned on in endothelial cells after the coronavirus spike protein bound to endothelial cells, the activated genes were a set of specific immune response genes found in cerebrovascular cells. I found that there are endothelial cells From other organs in the body.

“There is something unique An endothelial response to a virus that may help identify patients at high risk of stroke. “

Researchers will follow up with a 3D-printed live coronavirus. container , This further confirms the results of the current study and reveals which COVID-19 patients may be at increased risk of stroke.

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For more information:
Naoki Kaneko et al. Sensitivity and molecular response to SARS-CoV-2 infection via the flow of the brain endothelium, stroke (2020). DOI: 10.1161 / STROKEAHA.120.032764

Quote: Steps to Understanding Why COVID-19 Increases Stroke Risk (19 December 2020) 19th December 2020 Get from

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