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Covid Vaccine Questions Answered by Doctors at Flint Water Crisis

Covid Vaccine Questions Answered by Doctors at Flint Water Crisis
Covid Vaccine Questions Answered by Doctors at Flint Water Crisis


Roseland Community Hospital in Chicago manages Covid vaccination of hospital staff

Source: Scott Olson / Getty

Dr.Monahanna Attisha, a public health pediatrician exposed by the study Water crisis in Flint, Michigan, Answer questions about vaccines and allergies, and answer questions about when your child can be vaccinated.

Do I still need to be vaccinated if I have allergies?

Recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention if you have a history of allergies to food, pets, insects, or anything else Proceed with vaccination with an observation period..If you have a history of severe allergic reactions, or so-called Anaphylaxis, For another vaccine or injection therapy, the doctor can perform a risk assessment, postpone vaccination, or continue to observe after vaccination.The only reason to avoid vaccination is a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient in COVID-19 vaccine.. CDC has Specific recommendations for post-vaccination observations..

How are adverse events tracked as the vaccine is given to more people?

CDC and Food and Drug Administration call for possible adverse events Vaccine adverse event reporting system, Or VAERS. The country’s system collects these data to look for adverse events that appear to occur unexpectedly, more frequently than expected, or have unusual patterns of occurrence. Anyone who has experienced an adverse event should report it to the system.

Reporting adverse events is an important step in ensuring safety and helping the CDC monitor vaccines. Safety is a top priority, And scientists and public health authorities need to know about side effects.

Adverse events are most often different from the side effects of typical vaccines.Vaccine Side effects, Pain and redness at the injection site. Adverse event It can be more serious and sometimes life-threatening. If you don’t know if a side effect or adverse event has occurred, you can still report it.

For participants Fact sheet When they are vaccinated. Healthcare providers who vaccinate people should report certain adverse events after vaccination to VAERS. In addition, under the terms of an emergency use authorization, healthcare providers must also comply with revised safety reporting requirements that may arise.

CDC is also implementing a new smartphone-based tool called v-safe To check the health of people after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. When you receive your vaccine, you should also receive an information sheet that explains how to register for v-safe. Once registered, you will receive regular text messages leading to investigations that can report problems and side effects that occur after vaccination with COVID-19.

When can children under the age of 16 be vaccinated?

Probability is high Several months..Currently approved Pfizer and soon to be approved Pfizer Modern vaccine Does not apply to children. More research and clinical trials are needed to include infants in the COVID-19 vaccine trial.

by American Academy of Pediatrics, Pfizer enrolled children up to the age of 12 and submitted a request for an emergency use authorization for vaccinations up to the age of 16. modernThe vaccine is expected to receive an emergency use authorization from the FDA at any time and is about to begin similar studies.

In the UK, AstraZeneca has approved children aged 5 to 12 years to enroll in clinical trials, but pharmaceutical companies have not yet enrolled children in trials in the United States.

Monahanna-Attisha, Professor of Medicine, Michigan State University

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