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Britain called for “hurrying” to relax Christmas restrictions.Nation & World

Britain called for “hurrying” to relax Christmas restrictions.Nation & World
Britain called for “hurrying” to relax Christmas restrictions.Nation & World


London (AP) — The four UK countries faced rising demand for scrap on Tuesday. Or at least a planned mitigation of Christmas coronavirus restrictions following a surge in new infections.

Talks between leaders across the UK over planned mitigation will resume on Wednesday, adding London and its surroundings to the rest of the UK and facing much more stringent restrictions.

Michael Gove, one of Britain’s top members of public health policy, met with leaders in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on Tuesday. No changes to the plan have been announced, but further discussions will take place on Wednesday.

Pressure on them to stop the planned five-day easing would allow three households to form so-called bubbles inside and outside their homes, but concerns were expressed from the entire political spectrum. Ratcheted higher throughout the day.

Perhaps the most noisy was the co-editing of two of the country’s leading medical journals. The British Medical Journal and the Health Services Journal, in their second co-editing of more than 100 years of history, urged a rethinking of the “reckless” decision that “sacrifices many lives.”

“We’re publishing it because we believe the government is trying to fail another big mistake,” they said.

The UK conservative government, along with the delegated government, agreed last month to allow a mix of up to three households between December 23 and 27, regardless of which region’s regulations are in place. did.

However, as new infectious diseases are on the rise in many parts of the country, the government’s Christmas mitigation will further increase infectious diseases and deaths, putting undue pressure on the already stressed National Health Service. Concerns are growing.

Opposition Labor leader Keir Starmer was the one who called on Prime Minister Boris Johnson to convene an emergency meeting to consider the decision.

“I understand that after this terrible year, people want to spend time with their families, but things have clearly worsened since the Christmas decision was made.” He said.

The potential mitigation of Christmas is in contrast to the measures taken by other European countries, such as: Germany And Netherlands, Announcing a radical new limit for holidays.

When Christmas relaxation was first announced last month, Johnson cautioned households to emphasize that “especially older relatives should be cheerful.”

However, the announcement of the mitigation was based on the assumption that the new incident was on a downward trajectory.

However, with an additional 18,450 announced on Tuesday, new infections are on the rise again. Although thousands have fallen from Monday’s tally, the numbers for the past few days are consistently higher than those recorded in the last two weeks.

The resurrection occurred despite a four-week national blockade in Britain that ended in early December and other rigorous measures taken in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

In light of rising incidents, London on Wednesday joined Tier 3 in other major cities in England, including Birmingham and Manchester, where pubs and restaurants are closed for takeout and delivery. I will. People in the Tier 3 region, which will soon include most of the UK population, are not allowed to socially meet people who do not live with them in private or most outdoor public places.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan was one of those seeking rethinking.

“This is a concern. The rules have been relaxed for five days, allowing for a mix of up to three different households, which inevitably tends to be less vigilant when people are in their own households.” He told the BBC radio.

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