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Malhari / Bollywood dance entry



Malhari dance, also known as Dance of the Bollywood Soldier, is a reaction GIF featuring Indian actor Ranveer Singh (who plays Bajirao I) dancing alongside several soldiers in armor from the 2015 Bollywood film Bajirao Mastani. The GIF is taken from one of the songs in the film called Malhari, which includes a long dance sequence between the famous Indian commander and his troops. Its generally used to express excitement, happiness or reactions involving intense hype for a wide variety of situations.


The original clip from which the meme is taken is seen during Bajirao Mastani, released on December 18, 2015, in particular the scene where Bajirao sings and dances with his soldiers during the song, Malhari. During the clip (shown below), Bajirao performs an extended dance sequence while celebrating with his warriors. Around the 1:25 mark, he crosses the army with his hands behind his back and suddenly starts dancing (the part most commonly used in memes).

The song (and the film itself) was positively received by critics and fans alike. In April 2020, the song, which went online on May 3, 2016, currently has more than 130 million views, 500,000 likes and 24,000 comments on YouTube.


The GIF version of the scene appears online several times in 2016 and 2017. One of the first examples was uploaded to Imgur on October 19, 2016 by the user comameirda. Using the caption, when you win the game after the death of your entire team, the message (seen below) received almost 650,000 views and 19,000 points.

When you win the game after the death of your entire team ..

Another example was published on Imgur on May 24, 2017, under the title, Bitcoinity GIF at $ 4,075 GDAX. The message (shown below) has since been viewed more than 3.2 million times, and has since become a popular celebratory GIF for use within the Bitcoin community.

Bitcoinity GIF at $ 4,075 GDAX

User Imgur notcleverenoughforaname also posted the scene on June 16, 2017, next to the title, I tell my boss that I leave work early because the weather is too good and she tells us that we can all start early the weekend. This post (illustrated below) received more than 2,500 points, 100 comments and 500,000 views.

I tell my boss that I leave work early because it’s too good and she tells us that we can all start early on weekends

On Reddit, the GIF appears for the first time on August 12, 2017, in a message from Redditor packetinspector to the submarine r / Bitcoin. Posted under the title, Bitcoinity USD $ 4000 gif, this version (seen below) also refers to cryptocurrency, receiving nearly 22,000 positive votes and 1,300 comments.

Bitcoinity USD $ 4000 gif of r / Bitcoin

Redditor mijuzz7 released another variant using a more traditional meme format on March 18, 2020 in the r / dankmemes submarine. The meme (shown below) has been voted almost 100,000 times and has received several Reddit awards.

Let’s go grandpa of r / dankmemes

Donald Trump Malhari Edit

A revised version of the GIF, which places Donald Trumps opposite Bajiraos, briefly went viral between 2019 and early 2020. This remixed variant was covered in several press articles in the United States and India. In addition, it resurfaced in February 2020 when Donald Trump Jr. shared two examples of the Trump edition on his Facebook account. The first message (seen below) has been viewed more than 1.1 million times, liked more than 65,000 times and shared 34,000 times.


SOIB Event Tradition

Interest in research

Know your store Meme

External references

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