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15 minutes in tea stall saves a 21-year-old’s life from collapsing roof of Vishnu Garden – Delhi News

15 minutes in tea stall saves a 21-year-old’s life from collapsing roof of Vishnu Garden – Delhi News


For the 21-year-old Radwan Shah, whose mother was among the four killed in a factory roof collapsing in Vishnu Park, it was the 15-minute delay in reaching the factory and stopping at a nearby stall for a cup of tea that saved. His life.

“I used to start working at 9:15 am. But on Saturday, I was 15 minutes late because I hadn’t been feeling well for the past two or three days. I had stopped at a tea stall when people came out of the lane shouting about an earthquake. Soon. More people came and said that our factory had collapsed. I ran to check on my mother and called her name but she did not answer. Radwan, who is from Shahjahanpur in Uttar Pradesh, said: “There was dust everywhere and there was nothing visible.

Radwan is among the seven who worked on the mezzanine floor of the auto seal factory in the RZ building in Vishnu Park where the accident happened around 9:30 a.m. on Saturday. Four people were killed and two injured – one of them in critical condition – in the accident. Radwan’s mother, Judy (one name), aged 45, was among the four dead. The other three dead were China Devi, 36, Twinkle, 25, and Ramesh, 35. The two injured are Ravi, 20, and Judo Kumar, 18.

According to Radwan, when the roof of a loft that was constructed on the ground floor collapsed by placing red stones at iron corners, and fell on six people working inside, about 12 workers who were working on the first floor of the building rushed. , Puzzled as to what happened and what to do next.

“It took two to three minutes to understand that the roof of the upper floor had collapsed and that the raw and manufactured iron materials preserved in about 100 plastic bags and stored on the roof fell on my mother and five other workers. Some locals joined us in the rescue operation.” Radwan said. It took half an hour to save my mom and the other trapped workers, even though twenty of us worked together, ”he said, adding that the left side of his mother’s face was completely shattered.

Judy lived with her husband Mumtaz Shah, her son Radwan, his wife, and his three children in a rented house in Khayala, about half a kilometer from the factory, where she had worked for nine years.

Waiting for his wife’s body in the mortuary of Din Diala Ubadayi Hospital after the autopsy, Mumtaz said that his family migrated to Delhi in search of livelihood.

“Although factories closed during the lockdown, we stayed in Delhi and survived the complete closure of the free meals that are distributed in our area. We belong to a poor family and there is no work in the homeland. But after I lost my wife, I am thinking of returning to my village,” .

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