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Coronavirus: Wuhan residents share memories of the blockade and hope for the New Year-nationwide

Coronavirus: Wuhan residents share memories of the blockade and hope for the New Year-nationwide
Coronavirus: Wuhan residents share memories of the blockade and hope for the New Year-nationwide


To Chinaof WuhanThe original epicenter of COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears After the outbreak, city dwellers have returned to normal life, despite continuing to work on memories of the early outbreaks that caused fear in the city.

Almost seven months have passed since the city recorded a case of local infection with the disease due to a strict blockade throughout the city and a mass inspection event for almost every 11 million inhabitants of the city.

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Today, restaurants, shopping streets and bars are crowded, but locals are still experiencing the lasting impact of blockades on mental health and work.

Reuters asked people everywhere Wuhan To share the images and videos taken at the time of the outbreak and expectations for 2021 as the city celebrates its first anniversary. On December 31, 2019, city health officials announced the first public notice of the virus, which was unknown at the time.

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Like the city itself, most people are permanently optimistic, even though they reflect the city’s toughest years in recent memory.

Jumping, Wuhan volunteer He worked as a volunteer during the city’s harsh 76-day blockade, delivering food to people trapped in their homes.

“At that time, I had a lot of work, so I could only eat one meal a day, but I was very anxious because there were few people.

“I hope the whole city will prosper in 2021.

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Thousands of people attend a large pool party in Wuhan during the coronavirus epidemic – August 18, 2020

“By 2020, it can be said that the entire city was empty. Wuhan – Only animals were active outside. “

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ZHANG XINGHAO, lead singer Wuhan Band “MADRAT” “I couldn’t do anything at home at the time. It was so boring that I thought I needed to write music and sing to find the fun of life.

“I was made to think about various things. It was the first time in my life that I had experienced such a disaster.

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“Don’t ignore the epidemic. Don’t ignore foreign news because it’s so prevalent. We shouldn’t think of ourselves as very powerful. In fact, we humans. I think it’s very fragile. “

DUAN LING, 36 years old, BUSINESS WOMAN Duan’s husband, Fang Yushun, caught COVID-19 in February while working as a surgeon.

“I celebrated my birthday the day he was hospitalized during the epidemic, and he edited and sent me a video. I was very impressed.

“We experienced a lot in 2020. I want to say goodbye in 2020, but I wish I had a baby in the new year.”

LAI YUN, 38, Japanese restaurant owner “At this point, we are all Wuhan It feels like time flies very fast. Closing the city just feels like yesterday. “

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Lai said he cherished the memories of the children performing in the family living room.

“I think the inspiration that COVID-19 gives us is that a healthy body is of utmost importance.”

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WU MENGJING, 22 years old, design student “I think so Wuhan The epidemic has affected too many people. Many companies went bankrupt and residents were unemployed.This has a huge impact on the overall development of Wuhan..

“I am very worried that a second wave will come. Wuhan, Because there were some recurrences of the epidemic in different parts of the country, and the number of college students Wuhan Especially big. “

JIANG HONGHUA, 34 years old, street food vendor “During the epidemic, our whole family is together, and this time this is very rare and I felt very happy,” shared a photo of her son and daughter playing. Then Jiang said.

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Coronavirus: WHO begins investigating the origin of coronavirus – July 10, 2020

“I thought my year in 2020 was actually okay. I was lucky to be able to sustain the livelihood of the whole family. I hope I can do a good business in 2021.” LIU RUNLIAN, 58, STREET DANCER “2021 is approaching. I don’t expect much from myself. But I want to live a peaceful life. And I hope everyone is safe. hoping.”


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